Chapter 8

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When a pro hero makes their debut, first impressions are everything. When a pro hero become popular enough, they get to work more out of their local area. Sometimes, when a pro hero becomes really popular to the point of being a household name, they get the opportunity to work overseas. All Might is among those who were able to gain fame outside of their country, becoming a ameri-weeb in the process.

However.. when it comes to guys like Captain Celebrity, that is simply not the case. After having to deal with a totally rigged and obviously manipulated lawsuit involving a few angry women and husbands, our cleft chinned pretty boy hero decided it would be a good idea to take his work to Japan, because if All-Might can pull of that foreigner charm then he can too.

And so we find him patrolling the nice little town of Musutafu, waving to the raving crowd below him and flashing his best smile.

"Look it's Captain Celebrity!"

"We love you, Captain Celebrity!"



..keep in mind that some of those outbursts were not all from women. No, it is not known which said which.

Regardless, our bootleg Booster Gold wannabe grins in satisfaction hearing his name being chanted in fanatic worship.

I knew this was a good idea, he thought, pretty soon I'll be next big thing in Japan and chicks won't be able to keep their hands off me.

Little did he know, he was about to learn the most important lesson about being in Musutafu: Beware of the green-haired lunatic.






Captain Celebrity gets interrupted by a massive smack to the face, sending him spiraling out of control until- BOOOM! SPLASH!- he crashes into a water tower. The water gushes out of the tower, the force shooting his unconscious self out to the rooftop. To make matters worse for him, a random bystander at a different building managed to film the whole thing, who would later post it online for millions to see.

...maybe it was best that Captain Celebrity stays unconscious for awhile.

Meanwhile our favorite greenie is seen flying erratically in the sky at high speeds, thanks to Mei's new jetpack he "borrowed" from her a few days ago. His arms are spread apart, imagining himself chasing down an enemy plane.

"Brrrrat-at-at-at-at-at-at-at-at-at! Bogey is down, engaging another one at twelve o' clock!"

He dips down towards the street where he sees a delinquent about to talk to a girl, who is already feeing uncomfortable by his presence.

"Hey there, pretty girl, why don't you come and have some fun wit-"



The girl becomes shocked as she sees the delinquent get hoodwinked to the sky... before taking this time to carry on with her day. It is also important to note that it was the delinquent that screamed, not the girl. Strange day today, isn't it?

Izuku kept flying through the town in the direction towards UA, carrying the delinquent in his arms. The delinquent, however, was not amused.

"What the hell man!? The [BEEP!] you think u doin'!? Let me go!"

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