Prologue: [Mundane Life]

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We live in this world, trudging our burdened feet to the places of our destination. Every day is the same: boring, tiring, and uneventful. We maybe a free nation but freedom is just a label. We are all slaves. Slaves of our work, slaves of our hobbies, slaves of money, slaves of our past.

Maybe this is why rebels stir up trouble— to make us realize that our lives are but a passing flicker of light that, if not taken care of, might just snuff out like a burnt out candle. So we could at least put value to our lives. So we could at least have something to look out for in this boring and gloomy place.

Sure, there are a lot of forms of entertainment scattered around the globe but who really thinks those things can put meanings to our worthless lives? Arcades? Cinemas? Entertainment halls? Amusement parks? Those places are but temporary places that give us temporary happiness and satisfaction. At the end of the day, people still leave these places.

But amidst this chaotic and gloomy planet, there still are people who try to live the best of their lives. They "seize every opportunity" because they know that "you only live once". Haha— how laughable that you only get one chance to live this life. Yet you make countless mistakes.

I have mentioned that there are people who try to live positively, to live and experience live at its fullest. This is especially true to those adolescent youngsters who only want to explore and enjoy, even if they have to break a few rules. Ah, to be young.

What? You say I sound like a depressed old geezer who only rambles about his youth that's not even worth mentioning?! How rude! Well— maybe you're not far from the truth.

But enough about me. This story is not about me but about a young lass who, even though surrounded by toxic and negativity, lived her life with a cheerful smile on her lips and a warm glow on her face.

In a small island, in the town of Anpan, in the Asian country, there lived a young lady full of life and joy.
Almost everyone in the village she lived in loved her. She was kind. She was always thoughtful. She was ever helpful. But most of all, she was beautiful. No wonder why everyone called her 'goddess Lee'. She was like an angel who descended directly from heaven.

Ah, she's the sweetest. But even though everyone from her village loved her, there will always be someone out there who wants to try and silence these kinds of people. I won't be saying yet who it was but there definitely is someone furious enough to get Lee out of the equation.

Can't say when this all started. This year? Last year? But this person had been harboring negative—and I daresay, dangerous— feelings towards Lee for a while now.

It was a bright Thursday morning. There were a few clouds and the wind was blowing softly from the woods behind Lee's house.

She woke early, at precisely 5:00 am, and steadily went about her morning chores. She's not from a well-off family but they are still able to get by. Her family consisted of her mother who works at a bakery, her father who works as a manager of the security firm responsible for the security of the shopping district, her brother who was about to graduate from Senior Highschool in the next month, she  who was a highschool student about to graduate from tenth grade, and her little sister who was about to graduate from third grade.

After putting the colander on the stove, sweeping the front yard, cooking the breakfast of fried egg and bread, taking the colander full of cooked rice, and eating her breakfast, she finally took a bath, changed into her school uniform: a top of white blouse along with a checkered navy blue necktie, and a checkered navy blue skirt.

She stood infront of the full-length mirror at the living room and checked  herself to see if there was any ruffle on her uniform or if there were any stray locks of her hair. She always wanted to look presentable and neat.

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