Chapter 6: [Old and New]

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"Welcome to Azurea. Whether I like it or not, this is where I live. And where you will too." the guy said in a bored and in an unenergized way.

'Shouldn't those that welcome their guests or visitors be more energetic and spunky rather than greeting a guest with the energy of a sloth? Is this guy doing an imitation of a wilted vegetable? Because he's totally acing it. Amazing imitation.' Lee commented in her mind.

'But wait— what did he say?! This is where I'll live now?! As in "now and forever"?!' Lee was confused.

Like a video tape rewinded, she tried to remember what this guy had said to her, her mind whirring as it processed the new info she had received.

While she pondered upon his words, a few of his words felt like hammers being pounded into her head when she realized the weight of his words.



left back there...

Like a screen displaying a loading icon, her mind kept winding and winding as she tried to process everything that the guy she had just met said. Trying to put each puzzle piece to make out the big picture. Then a thought that could be possible regarding the circumstances popped inside her head.

"WHAT?!" she screamed out loud at the thought.

When the possible conclusion finally formed inside her mind, she was so perplexed. She didn't know if she should be amazed that she had experienced the fiction other people talked and dreamed about, or should she panic at the thought of never being able to get back to her family and friends that she had grown fond of.

'What the heck? Is that even possible? I know I've thought of this earlier but I never imagined that that would actually be the case! Weren't those events just present in stories and animes?! Why was I reincarnated? How...?' countless questions flew in a jumble inside her head.

The guy whipped his head at her direction with a much-more-annoyed face.

"You're that happy? Tch."

Her eyebrows shot up as she indignantly glared at the infuriating boy.

"HAAAA?!! What do you mean 'happy'?! Do I look happy?! Is this the face someone makes when they are happy?! Go on, tell me!" she almost screamed at him. While she huffed and puffed her indignation, the boy was so surprised that he unconsciously raised both eyebrows.

Then he slowly lowered them and they met. 'Is this girl for real?'

The two stared at each other; more like Lee glared at him while he stared back at her.

'Seriously! Who does he think he is? Talking about me as if he knows me.' she grumbled in her mind. Then a thought struck her. 'Yeah, who is he anyway? Why am I talking so much to a stranger? And why does he know so much? And where on earth—, I meant, what is this place that I landed on? Did he mention a kingdom?' Lee thought as she softened her glare a bit, just a tiny bit. She still didn't know if she should trust this guy, and a hot one at that. No matter how hot a guy is, a stranger is still a stranger.

She slightly, but firmly nodded her head in resolute decision. She's going to take as much information as possible from this guy right here.

"Wh-Who are you anyway?"

Shocks! What a lame start!

"And what is this place you called Ashu... Asuu..." She felt so stupid she could whack her head with a club. Stupid stammering!

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