Chapter 7: [The World in Another Dimension]

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We live our lives without a care in the world. We take the life that we have been graciously given for granted. We rant. We complain about things we don't like. We throw away things other people dreamed of having just because we got bored of it. We basically just don't care. We only see the value of our lives and realize the shortness of it when we are told that our days have been numbered.

Then we think that that is the end. But this girl right here got killed— murdered by her own bestfriend whom she trusted. And yet she still wanted to get back to that life where uncertainties are abundant and blessings are opportunities that people pray would come their way. She wanted to return to the life she had always known. To the place she felt familiar and at ease. She even said that her friends might be worried about her.

'This might sound weird and unrealistic for him. Well, what's more unrealistic than being reincarnated, am I right? I mean, come on! He might not know but —I've been killed by my very own bestfriend! But I'm still (probably) positive that it was only because of the events that happened that day, right? If I had not done certain actions, there should be a change in the future, right? Though I'm not sure what exactly those certain actions are... If I could just get back a day earlier, I could do that day over and just not do what I did so I could avoid the ending that I have right now. How is that not possible? They have magic here, right? I'm sure they have a spell or two that can send me back to my world a day earlier or something like that. What is he saying? Why does he say that I can't go back?' she thought, trying to be optimistic but she could feel her confidence level  continue dropping like iron in a deep well: it's dropping—heavily and fast.

"Ha? Wha—what do you mean? I'm sure there's a w—" she knew she sounded desperate but she did not plan on stopping til she gets her answer. However, she stopped short when Kin spoke again his voice like a hammer that shattered her heart and hopes into tiny fragments, with no apparent way to put them back together.

"You can't go back."

She felt like crying but she tried with all might to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall at that very moment.

Images of the memories she made back home flashes before her mind's eye. 'Are you saying that I'll never be able to see them again? That I'm never going to experience those things I wished to with my friends? With my family?'

"Wha—What are you saying?" her voice trembled. "What do you mean I can't go back?" Lee stammered in shock. She felt light-headed like she could fall over any time and suffocated as if her lungs just vanished, making it hard for her to breathe.

Still with his back turned towards her, Kin spoke in a voice that showed no emotion whatsoever.

"Your body is no longer habitable. I heard from the Otherworlders that, where you come from, the bodies of the deceased are burned after 2-3 days after death. If I remember correctly, the process was called "cremation". And the ashes are put in a jar called an urn. With no body to host your soul, with no vessel to return to, the possibility of returning is zero." he said.

"That may be the case but— I just got here. I came here literally like 10 minutes ago! Besides, who knows if my body actually got cremated? M-maybe someone is yet to discover my body? Right? Right?" Like a woman mad and in hysterics, she desperately clung to that slim thread of hope that she herself had spun.

Kin sighed. "The fact that you are here and not back there just proves that your body is no more. Your travel through the Tunnel of Time took three days. If your body had revived back in your own world, you would have been swept back there and you would not be here. You can't go back now." Kin said, emphasizing the word can't so that the idea will hopefully get through to Lee. And, unfortunately, it did.

Lee felt cold as if 10 gallons of ice-cold water got poured on her during winter. She felt her energy drain away. She felt empty. She felt numb. She felt hopeless.

Left with no energy, her knees buckled and trembled. Left in disbelief and despair, her legs gave way beneath her and she collapsed on the soft, green grass on that lonely hill that rose on the rolling plains of a kingdom alien to her.

Sitting there, she saw a clump of wind-swept leaves and it made her realize that her life back on Earth had just vanished like the wind that left the leaves to fall aimlessly. The hurt crept into her broken heart. And there, she finally broke down in tears. Hot tears streamed from her eyes in torrents. She screamed at the air in hopes that it would just take the pain away and carry it off somewhere far from where she was.

She didn't know how long she cried but she just sat there and poured out her heartaches. She couldn't believe what she heard... She didn't want to believe it.

Kin's voice echoed in her mind, repeating the words that broke her over and over again, and that just made it worst. She'll never be able to get back home. To her family. To her friends.

"No... I don't want that... Please... Tell me that isn't true..." Lee mumbled over and over again.

Kin, who still had his back turned to Lee, stood silently while listening to her heart-wretching cry. He didn't understand why she does. Most, if not all, were happy to leave their old world behind. The others are neutral, just accepting the fact and and continuing on with their life as if being reincarnated or traveling through space and time didn't bother them at all.

Now, hearing her behind him crying as if there was no tomorrow, he felt somehow responsible for what she was going through now. He felt guilty for making her cry. He wasn't a gentleman, and he never saw himself as such, but seeing Lee like that made his heart ache and he really wanted to help her get back on her feet.

With a sigh, he turned to face Lee's tiny, crouched figure on the grass and approached her.

Feeling him approach her, she felt conscious. 'This is not how a lady should behave.' she felt as though she heard her mother tell her. And that made her heart long even more for the home she had learned to love. Still sobbing, Lee tried to speak but her tears just choked back her words.

"H-hey, Kin?" Lee sobbed. "Wha-t... What should I do now? P-please tell me... What do I do now?" she said in a small, shaky voice.

She heard Kin sigh from beside her.
"What else? Stay and begin a new life here, I guess." Kin shrugged it off. After all, it wasn't his problem where she'll go after this.

But he was surprised to hear what she said next. "Can you please help me? As you know, I've no one else to turn to since I'm new here. I absolutely have no idea what to do next." she said in a more steady voice when she seemed to have calmed down.

Kin placed both hands in a crossed position over his chest and began contemplating over Lee's request.
"Sure, why not? It's not like I have anything better to do." he said with a sigh and a shrug.

Kin then took a step away from Lee and began to start down the well-worn pathway down the hill, in the direction of the capital. Slightly turning his head towards Lee who was just trying to get up, he said over his shoulder. "Let's go."

Lee flashed a smile at Kin and nodded her head in agreement. "Mm! Thanks, Kin."

And so the two headed out in the direction of the capital, where Lee will unknowingly start a legend of her own.

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