Chapter 9: [Isekai Vibes] Part 1

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She opened the door and stepped into the sunlight of the street.

"Next stop: footwear!" she giggled. But that giggle quickly turned to an 'ouch' and someone else's 'ow' in a matter of seconds.

Lee quickly looked up when she realized that she had bumped into someone. Quickly, she turned to the person she had headbutted and was about to apologize when she stopped short. This person must be a god. A greek god descendant, if not.

He had a bright, lemon yellow hair that glowed under the sunlight. His pale skin looked as fragile as porcelain. A smile charming yet it holds something that makes you not want to mess with him. And his eyes... They were a deep azure blue that seemed to dance and blaze like blue fire.

She was so fixated at the gorgeous guy infront of her that she did not notice the guards he had with him until they had their spears at her neck.

"How dare you!" one guard screamed at her.

"Plant your face on the ground and beg for mercy if you value your life!" screamed another.

Lee looked like a confused kitten in the middle of a highway full of cars at full speed. 'Awawawawa... What's going on? Did I just push down a noble?! Am I going to be sent to a dungeon and then be executed the next day?! I still want to live!!! And where the heck is Kin? Where is he?' she was panicking and kept on whipping her head left and right looking for the man in question but he was nowhere to be found.

"Your H-! Your Lordship! You shouldn't!" one of the guards suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh shush. It's no big deal." came a light, relaxing voice.

She was so absorbed in finding Kin that she didn't notice the hand that was offered to her. That's why when she finally noticed, she screamed in surprise. And with that scream, along spewed out a few showers of her saliva.

"Nyah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Lee fell on her knees and  apologized over and over again while bowing over and over again. 'I don't want to die yet.' her mind cried.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It was an accident." the hand was offered to her again, after the guards quickly but carefully wiped away the droplets from his hand and face. She looked at the handsome guy that was offering his hand for her to take. 'Should I take it?' she thought hard but the stares of the two scary guards made her reach out to take his hand.

"Umm, thank you... Sir. I'm very sorry for bumping into you and for my saliva to..." Her voice trailed off when she heard a low growl coming from one of the guards.

'Yikes!' Her mind yelped. In her panic, she uttered, "Please don't throw me in the dungeon and have me executed! I just got here!" She cried.

Her thumping heart calmed down the instant she felt something on her head. With teary eyes, she glanced up and was surprised to see that the guy she bumped into earlier was patting her head gently as if to console her and tell her that everything will be alright.

"Haha. Don't worry. That won't happen." he said with an amused smile. He lifted his hand and looked around at his guards who flinched at his sight. He then proceeded to observe the crowd that had gathered around them. Seems like her loud voice had gathered quite the number of onlookers.

"Well then, I'll be taking my leave. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The handsome guy smiled then turned around. The guards parted the crowd to make way for him and they soon were out of her sight.

"Who was that man? He's so gorgeous!" one girl in the crowd said, to which her friend enthusiastically agreed.

"Which house is he from?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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