Chapter 5: [Azurea]

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"This is my spot." a masculine voice spoke out of nowhere, giving her a surprise that jolted her out of her bones.

What a great way to ruin the mood. She was just there, thinking out loud to herself, still confused if she was really dead or not, when suddenly a stranger pops in and speaks from behind her without a warning!

There is a saying familiar to the people she had socialized with back in the Philippines that describes people much like this guy right here. The saying goes this way: "Para kang kabute, bigla nalang sumusulpot kung saan-saan." This means that the person they are talking to are just suddenly popping out of nowhere like mushrooms (kabute).

Was it possible that this guy's personality was taken after a mushroom? There was something about that in the Philippines too. It could be possible that that exists here as well. If I remember correctly, it was called "pinaglihi-an" or "paglilihi".

Anyway, back to the topic. Most people, especially those with short temperaments, would immediately snap back after being surprised like that but since Lee is just so pure and forgiving and still quite naive she silently forgave him for almost giving her a heart attack. Huh... Is that even possible even when you're already dead?

She tried to stand up but a sudden jolt of pain pricked her on her butt where she had landed earlier. So with a slight strain of her body and neck,  she gently twisted around until she finally got a view of the owner of the voice that spoke to her. Uh, nope. Not the voice that spoke from when she was floating around in that white room but the voice of a new character she was about to meet.

"Oh! S—Sorry, I didn't notice you back there. Did I disturb you in any way by any chance? Was I speaking too loud?" Lee was a bit flustered. She understood herself to be a well-mannered young lady so she was quite ashamed to see that she was being an annoyance to this person.

When Lee had a good look at the stranger who was talking earlier, who is unsurprisingly a guy since the voice sounded deep and boyish, she saw that he was leaning with his back on the tree trunk and seemed to have been meditating based on his cross-legged position and his relaxed hands resting on either of his knees. Now that he was looking at her, she can't help but gaze in awe at the angelic creature in front of her.

'Yup. This is definitely heaven.' she thought in her mind.

The guy was positively lean in figure. She could see that since he was wearing light clothes. No wonder, it was hot out. Too bad the tiny breezes don't help at all. It was summer, after all. And even in a seated position, she could see that the guy was tall just from a single look on his long legs. His hair was glistening in a charcoal black color and surprisingly long, though she couldn't see how long it was exactly. Is that even allowed? And his eyes were a deep hue of cerulean blue with a tinge of midnight blue, like a mysterious lagoon: so deep and clean and mysterious. His nose elegantly  pointed. And his lips... oh, his lips. They looked as soft and pink as a baby's lips. Not too plump, not too flat either. It's just— perfect!

'He's so gorgeous. Aren't royalty usually described as such in novels and manhuas? I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually one.' Lee thought to herself as she stared at the guy she was looking at.

Yeah, I know it's a cliché kind of description but how else could I describe such a beautiful creature?! He is just so GOR! GEE! YOUSLY! Gorgeous! If there was a role-playing right now, he'd absolutely pass for a god or a narcissistic demi-god. Or a badass hottie! Damn I wanna date him! If only I'm in the same plane as these two. Uh, no. Not plane as in airplane. Plane as in a dimension existing by itself.

The guy cleared his throat. That snapped her consciousness back to the present.

"You do know that staring is rude, no?" he looked at her with indifferent eyes.

Hearing his stark remark, she felt her face heat up. "Of course I knew that." she looked away but looked back again when the guy spoke about something she didn't understand and expect.

"I didn't expect to see an Otherworlder appear around these parts of the kingdom. They usually appear at the town square or the church. This place doesn't even have a magic circle or a teleportation circle. And it would be quite pointless if they did since this hill is located out in the boonies." he said as he slowly stood up and dusted his pants.

Lee didn't understand most of what he said but there was one word that seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. "O— Otherworlder?" her eyebrows knitted together in bewilderment.

"What's that? What do you mean? Did you mean..." her voice trailed off as she pointed her index finger at herself  hesitatingly. She didn't think it was possible that she—

She was dumbfounded when the guy nodded his head, confirming her thoughts. "What do you mean?" she asked again.

When she heard the word "Otherworlder" the first thing that came to her mind was that she, in this guy's perspective, came from another world different from this one. That suggests that she traveled to another world and that this wasn't the Earth she knew. But, how could that be possible? Is it even possible? Aren't those things only found in stories? Comics, manhuas, anime and the like? Isn't just the thought of traveling through space and time a fiction that creative writers use to entice readers who are interested on that subject?  She wanted answers but she knows it would be quite annoying to hear a question being asked again and again, and she had already annoyed the guy by disturbing him earlier, so she waited for him to answer her question and other unspoken questions.

She heard him click his tongue in annoyance. Her mind sighed in disappointment. 'True, why should he answer a question from a ditzy-looking stranger?'

But contrary to her thoughts, the guy bore with it and was kind enough to explain to her what was going on, although with a few grumbles and side comments.

Standing with his back turned towards her and with a slight sagging of the shoulders after a sigh, he spoke.

"Ah, what a pain. You are called an Otherworlder since you've just traversed the universe and passed the boundary to a different dimension. Your body that you left back there in your old world, for whatever the reason may be since I don't care, is replicated here for your convenience. But the thing that actually traveled is your spirit or soul. You are brought here for one purpose or another by the god that this country believes in. In short, you've been reincarnated. Welcome to Azurea." he explained in a very much bored tone.


A/N: Well, our protagonist has just been welcomed to the other side! Ohhh, how will she take this? See you guys at the next chapter! Byes!

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