Headcannons I have - Shuichi 🕵️

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- Naegi and Kyoko are his aunt and uncle, so when he said that he was going to live with his uncle, it was because his aunt is a detective too

- He nearly fainted out of relief when Kokichi finally confessed to him

- Tsumugi is his half sister from his dad

- He was bullied as a child for having a stutter and that became an anxiety for him

- He once went a full week surviving on coffee and 30 minutes of sleep... An intervention was held for him by Kokichi and his friends

- He is bisexual with a preference for men

- He has been in an emo phase since he was six and started to use his mum's eyeliner

- As a child he was really good friends with Aoi and Sakura's child, who he later reconnected with as a teen (spoiler alert, it's Tenko)

- Once at the age of 7, whilst he was visiting Naegi and Kyoko, Mondo and Taka came by and Mondo took him for ride on his motorbike. He was traumatised afterwards for a little while.

- He had a huge fnaf phase as a child and wanted to dress like William Afton

- Once for Halloween he dressed up as a vampire and everyone didn't realise that he was wearing a costume

- He loves MCR and because of Gerard, he is also now obsessed with the Umbrella Academy

-Kaede was the first person he told about his crush on Kokichi, and when Kaito found out it took an hour long work out and a day at the planetarium to get Kaito to forgive him

- On his first day of Kindergarten, he pointed to Rantaro and asked him if his hair was an avocado. This is now a running joke and Kokichi will never cease to remind the two of them.

- On the other hand, when Rantaro met Shuichi he thought his name was Sally, so for 3 weeks he called him Sally until Rantaro figured it out

- He wasn't forced to become Kaito's friend, but he wasn't enthusiastic about it

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