Deok su coming home to his s/o after winning

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pronouns: she/they(no gender specific names)

• Deok su had disappeared out of nowhere,you received a text that said ' be back later,bye.' you ignored the text and continued working afterwards.
• The worry didn't set in until a few days later,you heard he had showed up a day after leaving but he left again.
• You were in the kitchen when you heard your door open to reveal a shadow,a loud scream erupted from you before the shadow came into the light revealing your boyfriend.
• You almost tackled him when you saw him
• Deok su wasn't really a fan of pda,but when alone he always had a hand on you even if it was just to hold you.
• The two of you talk about where he was and what happened,but he didn't really have much to tell except for his victories.
• He pays his gambling debts off and gets back on the good side of his boss after paying him a good amount.
• starts spoiling you with the money he won,getting a new car and new outfits with jewelry
• You didn't even ask him for anything,he just showed his affection through gifts.
• Very handsy the first few days he's home,you always have to remove his hands from under your shirt or from around your waist,expect a lot of surprise neck kisses.
• Things go back to the way they used to be,yet he doesn't gamble as much and doesn't steal money out of his gang's pockets.

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