Deok su finding out his boss killed his s/o while he was gone

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reader pronouns: they/them

*Deok su had texted you first after he was thrown out of the van,putting his clothes on before starting his walk to your house

*When your phone went to voicemail after 6 calls,he assumed you were mad at him or your phone was deadhe notices your door wasn't locked but thinks you're expecting him

*Opens the door only to be greeted with your body laying on the carpet in front of him,a pool of dried blood already seeped into the floor.

*He starts freaking out while trying to wake you up,a piece of paper falling out of your fist that was curled up to your chest

*Once he reads the paper he realizes what happened

*His boss came looking for him but when he didn't find him,he decided to put the punishment on you

*written on the paper was the words 'pay up'

*Puts something over your body so he doesn't have to see his lover like that.

*Calls his boss to tell him he has his money,but makes him agree to no weapons and no people with him.

*luckily,his boss agreed and Deok su met him at his boss' car

*Pulls the gun out and shoots his boss while he was counting the money given to him.

*He buys you a grave and visits you daily,leaving flowers by your tombstone

*Finds a box in the fridge labeled 'deok su' turns out you were making food for him every night just in case he came home

*For once he lets his tough persona break and actually starts crying like a baby

*He ends up heating up the food you made him so he'd be able to taste your cooking one last time.

*If you introduced him to your parents before,he would make sure to visit them and check up on them once in a while

*Helps your family in any way he can.

*He keeps a ton of photos of you on his wall and in his phone,and decides to live in your house.

*There's still a faint stain of your blood on the carpet and everytime he looks at it he remembers the image of you lying there.

*Goes through your phone and sees you've been searching everywhere for him, your last text to him was 'i love you,Deok su'

note: if u saw the pre edited version i accidentally posted,no u didnt

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