For Forgiveness

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That idiot!

It's been a day already and I just can't seem to get him and his stupid words out of my mind. They eat me up in mockery, shame and other stupid things that I can't seem to think about.

He was downright rude with his decision. I mean, if he thought it was a bad idea, why didn't he just tell me nicely that he didn't want to do it. But no, he just had to make a fool out of myself. It's not right and I can't seem to calm down.

"Julia, please stop your fuming."

I close my eyes slowly and let out a deep breath. "Jake, be quiet. Now." Is my reply.

"Well, if you want to be late for class, I guess I won't say anything and let you make up a stupid excuse as to why you did not make it to class before the bell."

I can tell he's a little angry now, I don't blame him. I've been like this for a long time and I guess to let out my steam, I use him.

I twirl a piece of my hair around my fingers, looking at Jake again and giving him my sorry eyes. "I apologize," I say quietly.

He looks back at me in a face of worry and question. "Julia-," he stops and shakes his head. "Never mind, let's get to class." He grabs my hand and leads the way to my classroom.

I bite my lip and immediately stare down at our hands, how together they fit oh-so perfectly. Breathe, I tell myself, he's only walking you to your class. After that, he'll be gone daydreaming about your brother. My thoughts become bitter, filled with hate and anger. My eyes leave our joined hands and I begin to stare out the long window that follows us down the hallway.

Once we reach my class, Jake freezes and his cheeks go as pink as the sunrise. "J-Jules," he stutters and I look at him concern.

"Yes, Jake. Is something wrong?" I ask.

He nods fast whips his head down quickly. "Why is," he gulps, "uh, T-Tyler, there?"

My eyes go wide in shock. Why is my brother in my class? But then I remember, I remember the conversation that I've had with Mrs. Byron about our new class. My blood runs cold as I also realize who else will be there.

"Shoot, the bell will ring anytime soon. I have to go now." Jake dashes away from me and I get a text.

Talk to your brother about me.

"Ah, Mrs. Cinder," Mrs. Byron grimaces. "Where were you yesterday?"

Without thinking first, I answer with my own question. "Why do you care? I wasn't in your class yesterday anyway."

The class gasps and I hear my brother shout at the back of the classroom, "that's my sister." Sadly, it's true.

With a steal face, Mrs. Byron speaks. "Excuse me?" Her voice is ruff, almost embarrassed.

Julia, what is with you? You can't take your anger out on everyone. Just a few minutes ago you hurt Jake, and with your big mouth, you'll be expelled pretty soon. I walk to my seat and apologize.

Mrs. Byron lets it drop and starts to talk to the class. "Alright, as told last week, both classes will be together for the rest of the year." We both shiver. "Mr. Dickens was hurt pretty badly and is on bed-rest for a now." Everyone laughs and stares at my brother who grins proudly.

Tyler raises his hand, "I don't wanna sit here. Let me sit somewhere." He says.

Mrs. Byron lifts a brow, "and where will that be?" She says calmly.

A big grin places itself on his face. "Beside my Julie-Bear." The class giggles.

Tyler doesn't wait for a reply since he moves and plants himself right beside me. I sigh loudly and look in front of myself. "Why are you doing this?" I groan, "you aren't like this at home."

Tyler shrugs, "why would you call that place home?"

Instead of answering, I open my book and read.

* * *

"So, how was it?" Jake giggles beside me and holds his books tightly to his chest. "Did you talk about me?" He questions.

"We didn't talk at all," I lie. He tried to have a conversation with me a few times but it was mostly one-sided. "But he is sitting next to me." I say.

A smile is evident on Jake's face. "Really? That's great!"

I shake my head and smile myself. "Sure," I sarcastically laugh along with him.

Jake lightly hits my shoulder in a joking manner. "And you're also in Ethan's class too..." He trails off and studies me.

I think about it for a while, "he wasn't there." I tell him. "At least, he wasn't in class or I just didn't see him." He nods and grabs an apple from his locker. "Ew, are you gonna eat that?" I ask in disgust.

He shrugs, "why not?" He answers and takes a bite.

"Never mind," I shrug.

"So where did you think Ethan go?" Jake asks as he continues to eat.

I roll my eyes, annoyed. "I don't know and I don't really care."

Smirking, Jake bites his lip in a cute manner. "Oh come on, Jules. You know you wanna know..." He trails of but I stop him.

"Oh please," I roll my eyes, a smirk forming on my face, "he's nothing to me. Just your twin who's too shy for his own good. I bet he's also a stupid jerk when he's alone."

Jake, who was happy in the beginning, drops his smile and pouts his lips, tears forming in his eyes. "W-what happened to you...?" He murmur with liquid pouring from his orbs.

I swallow, "I'm not sure, Jake. But I don't like it."

He nods and wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. A sad sparkle flashes in his eyes and he bites his lip. "It's today, isn't it?" He asks slowly.

I look down, my body freezing. "Yes. Yes it is."

Three years. It has already been three years since the incident. It has been three years since our family had broke.

Jake sniffles, "are you going to visit?"

I don't want to, but I nod.

This is an extremely short chapter, and I am sorry. I'm trying to speed this story up.

Hopefully, the next chapter will be longer and finished soon.

You guys are my happiness, good bye for now.

The Complications Of Loving The Opposite SexesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora