A Brilliant Plan For Love Part 1

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I watch with a smile as Jake tries to throw popcorn into his mouth. "Jake," I sigh teasingly, "we both know that you won't be able to get it." I laugh and shake my head.

Jake stops and sends me a fake glare, trying to hide his smile. "Just you wait, Jules."

Once again, Jake throws the popcorn in the air and tilts his head up. His mouth stays open as he moves his head from side to side. Finally, the piece of popcorn shows itself again and falls, missing Jake's mouth by a centimeter. The piece of popcorn falls to the floor and rolls all the way under the couch.

I frown at my best friend. "Jake, you're getting the house messy. Tyler's gonna be pissed."

Jake grins sheepishly. "It's fine. Look." He then reaches his hand under the couch and picks up the popcorn. I press my lips together as he flicks off the lint and pops it into his mouth.

"Don't do that. That's gross." I gag and shift my gaze away from him. I'll still kiss those lips. I think to myself.

Jake rolls his eyes. "Man Jules, you're so uptight. You complain about everything." He groans.

I lift my hands up in defense. "Hey, I don't know about you, but I rather Tyler be silent then yelling."

His eyes go glassy, as if he's thinking it over. "He is pretty hot when he gets mad."

I ignore the pain in my heart. "Don't tell me that." I say jokingly. Don't make me cry, is what I really want to say.

Why do I love you, Jake? Could you please tell me?

"Okay," Jake squeals and shuffles into a cross legged position. "Now tell me, are there any boys that you like?" He smirks.

I raise a brow, "really?" Is he serious? "No Jake, there are no boys that I like at the moment." Only you.

He pouts, "you always say that. Sometimes I think that you're keeping secrets from me."

I shake my head. "I'm not, I promise." I don't like anyone, I only love you.

"What about Joe? He was a keeper."

I shake my head again, "you know he moved away." I sigh bitterly.

Jake gives me a sympathetic smile. "You really miss him, don't know?" He asks softly.

I blink repeatedly, keeping my tears inside. "Kinda." I manage to choke out.

Joe was really something. He was so kind when I was with him and he was always the one to make me feel special. When he told me the news that he was leaving, we both changed our numbers right away. "We have to do this," he'd said to me, holding my head as tears poured like a waterfall. "I won't be able to move on if I still remember you."

"So you'll just forget me?" I breathed, my mind cluttered with terrible thoughts.

He shook his head sadly, his grip still tight on my face. "I could never, I just..." He stopped and rested his head on my shoulder. His hands moved to my hair. "I just won't be able to move on." He'd gasped then, a sob breaking from him. "I love you." I was about to answer but he continued. "Don't say it back. Don't."

"Julia," Jake hums, his arms around me as I gasp for air. "Don't cry, its alright."

But its not, I try to say but my sobs cut me off. Its not okay because I really did love him. He was mine and I was his, but what's worse is that he knew. He knew that I loved you, Jake, he knew but he still stayed.

"It hurts," I cry into his arms instead. "It hurts so God damn much."

He only holds me tighter. "You have me, Julia. You have me."

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