Broken Heart

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I never had any other crushes except for Jake.

Now that I realize it, I feel kind of pathetic. Because there are so many guys that ask me out, and I always shut them down for a boy who doesn't even like my sexuality.

But I did date this one boy, Joe.

It started at the end of Freshman year, and ended in the middle of Sophomore year. We didn't really break up because of differences- not that we didn't have any. We broke up because he had to move.

They moved because his father, a lovely man, had died. He was pretty young, and always had a smile. He was so certain that we would get married, I was even thinking it.

Joe and I really liked each other, I would even forget about Jake when I was with Joe sometimes. But my heart did belong to Jake, and it still does. He won it with just one smile. That beautiful, joyful, excite full and contagious smile.

"Julia," someone calls my name. I look up from a photo that Joe and I had taken on our last date to face Tyler. "Its almost time for dinner." He tells me and starts to walk away.

"Wait!" I shout after him, clutching the photo in my hand. "Do you think that Joe and I would of gotten married if he had never moved away?" It was all I could ask, our amazing memories were still glued to my brain.

Tyler sighs an annoyed sigh and rolls his eyes rudely. "I don't know, okay? I don't go around acting like some stupid girl who falls in love with boots or shirts. I don't act like you so I don't fantasize about love or stupid marriage." He states and grimaces. "So I don't know. But if you want an answer, then no. No Joe would not marry you."

I gape at him. "Pardon?"

Tyler shakes his head and walks away. "He doesn't love you and never did, deal with it!" He calls from the hallway.

I leave my food untouched and enjoy the silence. Tyler, who is sitting on his chair across from me, is eating his spaghetti happily, his head bent down as he scarfs his food.

I sigh and slouch. "Sorry for bringing up Joe." I say sadly. "I guess I was having one of those moments."

Tyler stops eating and looks up at me with a Does-It-Look-Like-I-Care expression. "Okay. Cool." He replies in a monotone.

I roll my eyes and pick up my fork. "Sorry I even talk to you." I mutter to myself and pick at my food.

We stay in silence for the rest of dinner and once we finish, we both go out separate ways.

I walk up to my room and flop onto my bed with a groan. "Stupid brother."

I lie there for a while, my mind drifting from Jake to Ethan. And their differences. How are they even related?

I mean, Jake is fun, outgoing and full of sunshine. Ethan is just boring, quiet and handsome.

Wait what?

"Whatever Julia." I tell myself and grab my phone. I dial in Jake's number and wait for him to pick up.

"What's happening my paddling monocle?" Jake's voice blurts once he picks up.

I pull the phone away from my ear to stare at it, giving it an odd look. After I come out of my shock, I place the phone back at my ear. "What did you say?" I ask politely.

I hear him chuckle nervously on the other end and I smile. "It was a nice greeting?" He tries unsurely and I bite my lip, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I joke.

There's shuffling on the other end. "Want to hang out?" He asks casually and I try not to choke on my spit.

He always asks me on a daily basis if I would like to hang out, but it always gets to me. I wish he would ask me out on a date. I wish we would get married. I wish he would love me instead of my brother.

I wish.

"Julia," Jake drawls out.

I blink and zone back to earth. "Yes?"

I hear him sigh worriedly. "You always zone out and now its making me worried." He pauses to take a deep breath. "I'm worried." He repeats.

My cheeks heat up. If only he knew, my brain sings. "Don't worry, I don't think of anything that hurts me." Physically, no. Mentally, yes. 

"Alright," he waits. "Anyways, do you want to hang out?" He restarts and I silently thank him for not going anywhere deeper in this subject.

I look at my closed door. I heart the faint sound of music being blared by my brother's speakers, horrible music at that. "Yes please." I plead. I don't want to spend another second in this house with him.

Jake chuckles, "my house it is."


"Julia? Is that you?" Mrs. Rivers grins from the kitchen.

"Yeah, it is me. How's the food going?" I grin back at her and settle myself down on a stool.

Mrs. Rivers huffs and wipes off fake sweat from her forehead. "Its going good, but its hard. Having three boys to cook for is hard. Especially when one of them is your husband." She shakes her head and her eyes glaze over with love. "But I still love them."

Jake and Ethan both apear seconds later, in deep conversation. Well, at least Jake is.

"But Ethan, you have to watch it with us!" Jake groans at his older twin. Ethan shakes his head and walks over to his mom. "Please?" Jake tries again and does a cute puppy dog look that I laugh at.

I catch Jake's attention and he gives me a teasing smile. "What are you laughing about?" He raisses a brow.

I get up from my stool and walk over to him. "Nothing." I smile and stand in front of him. "What are you guys fighting about now?" I ask.

Jake pouts and glances at his twin. "He doesn't want to watch a movie with us." He continues to pout and I hold in my grimace.

He wants to put Ethan in the same room as us? Could it not get any more awkward?

"You can't force him to do things." I reason with him.

Jake sticks his tongue out. "Not you too. Now you sound like dad." He frowns.

I feel Ethan's eyes on me and my body warms up with warmth that I didn't even know I needed. The rush longing come back and I suck in a breath, trapped.

"Come on." I squeak out quickly to Jake, and I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs without glancing at the boy with the mixed matched eyes.


Bonjour, I have another update.

This chapter wasn't anything really, but I just wanted to update to say hi.


Don't worry, when this book finishes, I will go back to this chapter and fix it up!


I hope you guys had an awesome day, and I'll update soon. Hopefully.

(Oh, and Joe isn't really a main character that you should remember. Just forget him).

Hey Caroline.

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