Salt And Pepper

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I always thought I would marry Jake. The wedding was always there, planned in my head.

We would have it in our secret hide-out in the forest, beside the beautiful creak. My family would be there, along with his. And the priest would be wearing a funny hat for our own amusement.

I would have the most beautiful white wedding dress with a sweetheart neck line and soft ruffles at the end. Jake would of loved it. And my hair would be down and my makeup would be waterproof, since I'd be crying, of course.

And Jake, my lovely Jake. He would be there, at the front, in a black suit that would look way too adorable wrapped around him. He would grab my hand once I reach his side, and never let me go as we stare into each other's eyes and fall hopelessly in love all over again.

"The rain is always beautiful." Jake sighs and I look at him. "What were you thinking about?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

I cough and pick at some of the grass lying around me. "Nothing really, just, life." That isn't technically a lie.

Jake nods and holds my hand. He gently glides his thumb over the back of my palm and I swoon. "You need to stop thinking sometimes." He lightly scolds me with a cheerful smile.

"He beat you up." I spit harshly.

Jake closes his eyes and slowly nods. "Yes, but I forgive him." He tries to shrug it off. "It was my fault anyways," he mutters sadly.

I shake my head and grip at his shoulders. "No it wasn't," I gently shake his shoulders to possibly give him sanity.

Jake laughs, but I know it isn't his laugh. We both know that he's sad and inside he's crying, because I always feel the same.

"Let's just drop this," he mutters and looks up. "Today is such a nice day. Don't you think?" He turns and asks me.

I nod my head and stare out to the beauty that our secret hide-out gives us. "We hardly visit here." I tell him.

"It's because of our stupid school." He pouts harshly. "It always is." He crosses his arms and blows out a breath of air.

I look at his beautiful face and sigh. "Tyler's going to be in my class next week-"

"Really? Can you casually bring me up into your conversations?" Jake begs hopefully and gives me his puppy dog face that I can't ever resist.

I inwardly frown, but it goes unnoticed by him. "We don't talk."

It was the only thing that I could say. I'm not lying or anything, it's just that I don't want Tyler to love him. I already do.

Jake scrunches up his cute little nose in distaste. "Yeah, but there has to be another way."

I smile and let out my cutest giggle. "I'll see what I can do." I say and jokingly ruffle his blond hair.

Jake smiles back and dodges my hand, doing an odd movement with his head to get his hair out of his face. We both talk for a while, about nothing in particular, until suddenly, he gasps and freezes.

He quickly covers his mouth with his hand and gasps once more. "Oh my gosh, it's almost Halloween and we don't even have our costumes." He frowns.

I roll my eyes at this. Every year, Jake always forces me into going trick or treating with him, and we always dress up in a couples costume. Not that I'm complaining. I love dressing up as a dying patient and having him being the hot doctor. It's just that it kind of gets old.

But I'm never telling him that.

"What are we dressing up as this time?" I settle for asking instead.

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