Chapter Eleven- I love you

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Hey okay this is chapter 11! It's really close to finishing! Anyways I really wish you guys like this chapter because it's my favourite chapter! Anyways here's the story....


Chapter Eleven- I love you

I skidded to a stop and I couldn't believe who was in front of me.

"John." Shawn said in a bored tone.

"Shawn. Long time my boy." John said causally as if they know each other personally.

"Get to the point." Shawn said fiercely.

"Well I'm here to kill you and I'm going to kill you the old fashioned way. No magic." John said.

"Let me see you try." Shawn teased.

My heart was in my mouth as I helplessly watched them tackle each other. I was scared that Shawn was going to die, John is very powerful, I know. John punched Shawn in the stomach, sending him flying backwards. Shawn got up and ran forwards double kicking John in the chest. John didn't seem to be hurt at all instead he was sending a punch straight in Shawn's cheek. Shawn barely missed it.

Come on Shawn! You have to win! I thought.

Shawn bent down and picked up a piece of wood from the ground, He used it to stab John in the eye multiple times. John's eyes began to swell. I knew what Shawn was trying to do. If John's eyes swell then he won't be able to see. Which means it'll be easier for him to kill John.

John threw punches and kicks in the empty air. It was sort of a funny sight but somewhere in me I felt bad. I know John was doing this for a selfish reasons but he's actually sort of nice too. Shawn let out a laugh.

"I'm over here!" He yelled.

John turned around helplessly he didn't know where the voice was coming from. He could have used magic but he didn't. It seemed he was weak with out magic. He kept his word like he told me he does. I looked at them fight again. Shawn kicked John on the legs so hard that he fell on his back. Shawn laughed and stepped on his arm.

"Aghhh!" John screamed out.

I felt bad, Shawn was killing him. What he did was bad but I don't think he should die. Or should he? He was just doing it because power was taking over him. And he doesn't have to die so painfully. I look at John's bloody body. He looked really helpless and hurt. I didn't like it that he was dying in such a painful way. I had to stop Shawn.

"Shawn! No stop!" I yelled

"Katherine please be quiet." Shawn silenced me.

"No! You have to stop!" I tried again.

He ignored me. I knew what John had done to me was bad but he shouldn't die for it! I ran towards them, Shawn was kicking John's stomach, hard. I pushed Shawn away.

"Stop it!" I yelled in his face.

"Move Katherine"

"No!" I yelled stubbornly.

Shawn went around me and began kicking John again. I walked to John and I covered his body with mine. Shawn accidently kicked me. I wanted to cry out in pain but I held it in.

"Oh Katherine, I'm so sorry" He apologised.

"It's okay." I barely got the words out of my mouth because I was holding the pain in.

"Now move" He ordered.


"Katherine stop being stubborn. You know what he did to you and I'm going to kill him for it."

All of a sudden there was a loud noise, followed by sharp pain in my thigh. I looked sideways at it. Blood streamed out of it furiously. I looked at John's hand; he was still holding the gun he had used to shoot me. How could he do this? I was trying to help him!

"Katherine!" Shawn yelled.

"How could you do this? I tried to save you!" I cried.

"You know why"

I did know why.

"Farewell, my princess" He smirked.

There was another loud noise and pain. This time it was in my waist. I felt arms go under my neck and legs and then I felt my body in the air. A light drizzle of rain started to fall. I opened my eyes for the last time.

"I love you" I whispered.

And then everything disappeared.

Shawn's Point of View

"I love you..." She whispered.

I was surprised. I-i thought she was secretly in love with John because of the way she was saved him. I was about to say it back to her but her eyes were closed. Was she dead?

"No! You can't die!" I yelled in the rain.

My clothes stuck to my body and it was cold. I held her tightly, trying to warm her up. I got out my cell from my pocket and dialled 911. After a while the ambulance came. I handed Katherine to the medical men. The police wasn't here yet so I took the few seconds to go back see John. After a few seconds the police came and taped up the scene. I sat in the ambulance with Katherine, my Katherine.


OMG she's shot! Twice! Will she live? Will she die? What's going to happen???!!And she said she loved him.... Read the next part to see what happens!

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