Chapter Three- Marry Me

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Chapter Three

I heard a voice from the other end of the room. I look up and there was a mysterious hooded man. Then he slipped off his hood. He was so handsome, and he was the same masked man with emerald green eyes, I think. He had tanned skin and dark chestnut brown hair. He couldn't be the one who had tried to kill me and kidnap me! He was way too rich and beautiful looking.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Well I don't care about that right now."

I was shocked by the how mean his voice was. What a jerk, first he tries to kill me, then he kidnaps me and now he's not giving me food.

"Now it's so sad, killing a cute girl like you." He said as he held my chin and leaned in closer to me.

I blushed at the part where he said I was cute, and how he was so close. Then I got to my senses and thought it over. He said killing. So his intentions were to kill me?

He must have seen my worried expression because then he said "Don't worry I won't kill you yet. We'll have some fun and then we'll get down to that sad part."

Have some fun? What did he mean? What was he going to do to me?

"So do you like it down here? Or do you want a nicer room?"

I didn't say anything. I was afraid to talk. Afraid that I would say something I'm not supposed to say and end my life.

"Don't talk much huh? Well then let's move you to a nicer room and get you a change of clothes."

He seemed so nice suddenly. He led me out of the room and I stumbled after him. I tripped over nothing and fell on my stomach. My face went red with embarrassment as I heard him chuckle. Then the pain took in. My stomach hurt like crazy. He offered to carry me upstairs. I agreed, bad guy or not he was pretty nice and I can't walk by myself.

He took me to a room and laid me down on a big comfy bed. I looked around the room in awe. It was so cute; it was like it was designed specially for me. It was all pink and had cute little teddy bears and everything. Wait...was this a kid's room?

"Why don't you take a shower and then wear the dress waiting for you in the washroom and knock the door to your left as you leave your room when you're done." He instructed me strictly.

I nodded. No point in going against him, it'll only get me killed faster and I want to live. He left my room and I look around for the washroom. I should have just asked him. There were 3 doors in the room; one had to be the washroom, one that led to the hallway and the last one has to be a closet. I went to one of the doors and I was right. It was a washroom.

I look at myself in the mirror and I wanted to scream. I don't really care about how my clothes look and how my hair looks and everything but I looked like a mess. I had dried blood on my arms, my hands and on my dress. My dark blonde hair was tangled and had more dirt in it than how much sand there is in a beach. Not to mention my face looked like I'm bloody Mary and I just came out from a horror movie.

I sigh and take off my clothes and go into the warm shower. It felt so relaxing but it stinged bad when it hit my wound. I covered my wound with one hand and then washed my self making sure that I washed my hair, my arms and face properly. So I could take out the blood and dirt. It was disgusting.

After about 15 minutes I got out of the shower. I felt cleansed and sparkly clean. I looked at the mirror once again. The places where he punched and kicked me were now big purple bruises and cuts. I slid the dress he left for me over my head. The material was soft and clingy. I sighed in relief when the dress fit. It was simple yet beautifully stunning. It was a strapless black pageant dress with a small tail trim and a butterfly ribbon. I loved the dress so much but the colour bothered me. Black wasn't my colour, in fact I hated it the most well black and red. Red reminded me of blood. I love bright colours like pink, yellow, orange and green. The dress covered only about half of my bruises and cuts.

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