Scared Soot (Wilbur, Tommy)

371 12 11

Warning(s): fear, crying, panic attack, swearing

Wilbur didn't want to do this. He really didn't want to do this. However, Tommy was bouncing around with a mischievous grin as he again refused to watch anything else other than IT.
Wilbur hated horror movies, he didn't like being scared and he could never sleep after watching something like this.

Still, he sat next to his brother as he tried to still himself. Tommy laughed as he turned on the movie, watching Wilbur's expression carefully and turned to the screen, somewhat disappointed to just see a faux poker face.

Wilbur kept the face as the movie started, through most of it too. However, when it reached a particularly gory part, Wilbur stopped breathing and stared directly at the screen despite his mind screaming for him to look away.

Finally, Wilbur is able to tear his eyes from the screen and shakes his head, reaching for a pillow in a desperate attempt to not panic or cry. Gods know Tommy would never let him live this down.

Tommy giggled, "Is big man Wilbur scared?"
He teased mockingly.
"N-no!" Wilbur tried to lie, tears sparking in his eyes, his attempts at holding them back futile as his chest heaved, hiccuping slightly.

"You are," Tommy continued, leaning close to give Wilbur a mischievous grin.
"No!" Wilbur protested, hiding his face in the pillow as he whimpered at another jump scare.
Tommy stopped laughing, realizing that Wilbur really wasn't feeling well and that this wasn't a joke anymore.

"Wil?" Tommy mumbled, placing a hand on the olders shoulder. Wilbur hiccuped again and shook his head at another terrifying scene.
"O-off!" Wilbur shrieked, barley coherent as Tommy scrambled for the remote and turned it off hurriedly.

"Wil?" Tommy tries again, reaching to tug Wilbur into his arms. Wilbur sobbed and held onto Tommy tight, chest rising and falling rapidly.
"I-I'm sorry," Wilbur apologized, but Tommy shook his head.
"Don't apologize. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have made you watch that if you didn't want to."

It was a long while of Tommy comforting Wilbur and trying to calm the man down, his eyes wet with tears as his little brother tried to bring the older from his terror induced frenzie and back to reality.
The night ended at that, the living room completely dark due to the black screen and lack of other light source.

"Wilby?" Tommy tries again, using the silly nickname in an attempt to make the older man laugh.
Wilbur's voice trails off into a tiny whisper and he begins to sob again, tears flowing fast down his face and more hiccups force their way from his raw throat, bone dry.

Another hour or so and Wilbur was curled up beside Tommy, finally somewhat calm but curled in on himself, obviously embarrassed.
The younger removed his hand from Wilbur's shoulder and went to get a cup of water, temporarily giving up on consoling Wilbur.

He returns with a water cup, handing it to Wilbur gently for the man to drink, which he did hurriedly, nearly choking on the liquid before the glass was pulled from his lips forcefully.

"Wilbur, don't drink so fast! Calm down, you're okay. It's okay, everything is fine," Tommy kept trying, rambling before he forced himself to be calm as to not scare Wilbur any further than he already was.

Wilbur was quiet again, he was always soft-spoken and mostly un-vocal when he was upset or scared. Tommy still sat by his side, rubbing soothingly up and down his back, whispering soft, comforting, words into his ears as he was smooshed to the man's chest.

Wilbur had burried his face in the blonde curls, sniffling and trying to calm himself, hoping he wasn't making Tommy uncomfortable with the action. Thankfully, the boy didn't seem to mind at all as he let Wilbur hug him and rocked the older to the best of his ability with the size difference of the two.

Wilbur finally quieted down after a while, crying his eyes out and not once letting go of Tommy.
The teen patted the man on the head awkwardly, still holding on tight.
"Wil? Do you wanna go to bed or..."
"Can we just stay here for a bit?"

Wilbur was now leaned on Tommy's shoulder, eyes closed as he breathed slowly. Tommy reached over for his phone on the coffee table, trying his best not to wake the man on his shoulder as he did so.

Some how Tommy manages to open his phone and texted Techno and Phil for help.

Blood God: What
Dadza: What's up Toms?

Dadza: Why's he on you shoulder in the first place?
Big man: He was crying and I had to comfort him
Blood God: Why was he crying
Big man: I forced him to watch a scary movie

Blood God: Where's my axe
Blood God: Techno yes
Big man: Send help
Big man: Seriously, how do I deal with this? I can't lift Wil, he's too heavy!

Dadza: Just fall asleep on the couch lmao
Big man: Fine
Blood God: I found my axe
Blood God: I'm gonna drop kick a child
Blood God: Of course you aren't
Dadza: Have fun with Wil kiddo lol
Big man: Fuck you
Dadza: Love you too kid lmao
Blood God: I'm still gonna drop kick a toddler

Tommy sighed and flopped his arm next to him, groaning as his phone fell onto the couch. He frowned slightly and turned his body awkwardly to hug Wilbur to his chest again with a sigh.
Eventually, Tommy decides to take Phil's advice and just try to fall asleep on the couch with Wilbur.

Tommy shifted to lay Wilbur on the couch, laying on top of him for a more comfortable position.
He sighs, before falling asleep himself.

Mcyt Fluff And angst (Read First Chapter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang