Stressful surprise (Karlnapity fluffy angst)

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Requested/suggested by Gayfrog1937 and Luna_Hacked
Ignoring Canon. Screw you new Quackity and Slimecicle lore.

Warning(s): overworking, not coming home, swearing,

Quackity left the house early that morning as per usual, just as he'd been doing. Recently, he'd been working on something neither of his lovers knew about and hardly coming home.
The man hardly ever came home anymore- and even if he did, he would only share a few words with them and leave early the next morning without Karl or Sapnap seeing him until he came home whenever.

Sapnap and Karl were beyond worried at this point, unable to squeeze any information out of Quackity the few times he spoke to them.
On one of these rare days Quackity came home in the late afternoon, Sapnap got the man alone with him.

"That's it!" Sapnap snarled, whirling around to face his fiance with fury in his eyes.
"What the fuck!?" Quackity snapped, confused and upset as he was practically thrown into the room.

Sapnap closed his eyes and forced himself to take a deep breath in, fists clenching.
"Tell me what you've been doing," he hissed, glaring down into Quackity's eyes.

The Mexican growled and tried to shove past Sapnap, only to be pushed back and the question to be demanded again.
"Tell me," Sapnap narrowed his eyes and grabbed Quackity by the shoulder, squeezing tightly.

"Hey! Let me the fuck go!" Quackity yelled, and Sapnap could catch the glimer of slight fear in the shorter man's eyes.
Suddenly remembering the cause of said fear, Sapnap realsed the man's shoulder from his grip with a soft, 'Sorry'.

The two stood in silence for a few seconds before Sapnap spoke up again, reminding himself of the task at hand.
"Well, what have you been doing? Why have you not been coming home? Where are you spending all your time? You're not...doing anything...are you?"

Quackity stumbled over his words for a moment, flabbergasted he was being accused of cheating on his lovers behind their backs.
"What the hell, Sapnap!? Of course not! I would never do that to either of you!" Quackity fired back, pain and anger shining in his eyes.

"Then where the hell are you going for so long!?" Sapnap screamed, towering over the other.
Quackity felt his heart tighten in his chest as he was stood over, but didn't back down.

"Why do you want to know!?"
Sapnap sighed heavily, backing off momentarily and rubbing his temples.
"You're our damn fiance, Quackity! You've not been around at all for the past few months and you hardly speak to us, how are we not supposed to be worried!?"

"That's my private business! You don't need to know everything I do with my free time! Why would I even cheat on you guys, do you really think that lowley of me!?"
Quackity felt tears prick at his eyes as he snarled.

"No! Atleast, I hope you wouldn't...But me and Karl are worried! We have no damn clue where you go for so long and you barley speak with us! You have Karl convinced we've done something wrong!"

Quackity froze in place, pupils dilating at the last statement.
"He thinks...what?"
Sapnap rolled his eyes, teeth gritted, "Yeah. Is whatever you're doing worth making us feel like shit?"
The younger reached a shaking hand out, unsure of what he wanted to do with said hand.

Sapnap turned away, "You know what? Forget it. Go run off to your little project or whatever you've been doing. It's not like you'll be sticking around much longer anyways."
Quackity took a shaking breath, hand clenching and anger boiling in his chest.

"Fine!" He yelled, stomping out of the door, taking a pack of cigarettes as he left.

"Sapnap?" Karl's meek voice came from the other room as the door slammed shut.
Sapnap turned to the taller man and tried to smile, "Hey, dear. Did you...hear all that?"
"So," Karl started, "Did you get him to say what he's been doing lately?"

Sapnap shook his head, frowning.
"No, I didn't. I'm sorry."
Karl wiped at his eyes, trying in vain to hide and tears flooding his vision, still attempting to smile.

The sight broke Sapnap's heart, and he surged forward to hold Karl in his arms, reaching up to run a hand through the taller man's hair.
Karl sobbed and pushed his face into Sapnap's hair, arms tightening around him.

"I don't understand, what did we do wrong...?" Karl whimpered, only succeeding in making Sapnap's own tears slip down his cheeks.
"He didn't say we did anything wrong...B-but I'm still wondering where he goes. Should we follow him?"

Karl shrugged, "O-okay, then."
The two made their just in them to see Quackity put out his cigarette and head off to who knows where.
They held their breath as they followed Quackity in near silence, eventually coming to a large city.

They saw Quackity enter the city after speaking briefly with a fox hybrid boy.
When they saw he was clearly out of sight, they approached the same boy and began to speak with him.

"H-hello?" Karl stuttered as he approached the boy, earing a raised eyebrow.
"Yes?" He responded, turning to face them with suspicion.
"Yeah, hi, can we come in?" Sapnap snapped quickly, as politely as he could manage.

"Come in?" The boy gave them a suspicious look, but shrugged his shoulders regardless.
"Fine, but if boss wants you to leave, you will without question, okay?"
"Okay," the two men agreed in unison, before being lead into the city.

"He's a busy man," said the boy who had introduced himself as Fundy, "If he doesn't have time for you, you'll need to leave."
Fundy raised a hand to knock on the door, hearing a, "Come in," afterwards.

Fundy opened the door and let himself in, "Two people are here for you. Say they know you or whatever."
Quackity sighed heavily and rubbed his temple, setting down his paperwork, "Let them in."

Quackity nearly choked on the coffee he was drinking when he saw the two men, quickly excusing Fundy from the awkward atmosphere between heavy coughs.
"What are you two doing here?" He mumbled, breathing heavily.

"Quackity, w-we were really worried," Karl mumbled, "I'm sorry, we followed you to see what you've been doing for so long."
"You stalked me here?" Quackity narrowed his eyes.

"Don't think about it like that," Sapnap begged, "Look, we- what is this place anyways?"
Quackity looked down at his feet, teeth gritted, "Okay, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while...I just never had time."

Quackity gathered himself with a sigh and looked to his fiances, "I was building this place for you guys- that's why I wasn't coming home, I wanted it to be a surprise."
He felt all the emotions build up seemingly all at once and he felt a sob crawl up his throat, "B-but that was really dumb of me, I've been overworking myself and- I've been ignoring you guys."

Quackity wiped his eyes and looked up at them, "I'm sorry, I love you two, I'm sorry."
Karl smiled and opened his arms to the other, and Quackity flung himself into his lovers arms, burying his face into the taller man's chest.

Sapnap laughed at the sight and hugged Quackity from behind, pressing a kiss to the back of his head.
Quackity stayed squished between his lovers for a few moments before he managed to twist his way out of the embrace.

"Now, how about you show us what you've been working on? If that's alright, darling?" Sapnap chuckled.
The man blushed at the nickname, and nodded, leaninf up to kiss Karl on the cheek.

"I love you two," Quackity giggled, and Sapnap smiled wider with a gentle peck to his temple.
"We love you too sweetheart," Sapnap chuckled in response.

"Let's get going then, yeah?" Karl suggested, and the other two nodded before they were lead out into the city by their lover.

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