Eret getting the help she needs

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Trigger warning(s): discussions of depression and anxiety,
I'm venting so stfu.

Eret was nervous, to say the least, terrified even.
She'd been having a lot of trouble for about a year or so, and eventually Eret had enough and started to do her own research.

At some point, Eret had discerned it to be a mixture of both anxiety and depression. It had come as a massive hit to her mentally, and to put it simply Eret felt like absolute shit.

The depression ate away at her, feeding her with awful lies about no one loving her, no one really caring. And for a while, she did believe it. She hated herself, she truly thought she was undeserving of love, that she was useless.

Anxiety started fucking with her mind right after, causing her to constantly overthink and worry about the smallest things. It felt as if her every move was judged by everyone, even those she never even looked at as she walked down the street.

Eret felt there as nothing wrong with her for a while, depression and anxiety were normal among teenagers, wasn't it? Maybe it would pass with time.

It didn't pass, it only got worse. Eret was overthinking everything. Even the simplest things, like saying her name during attendance.
She'd overthink everything. Everything.

It felt like everything she did was being judged by everyone all the time, this only feeding into her feelings of being stupid, awful, unworthy, and just a terrible person who should've be allowed to exist.

Eret didn't want to do anything, she didn't want to worry anyone, if anyone even cared for her at all.
It was an awful cycle, anxiety and depression creating a deadly mix within her that ate away at her soul.

Eret needed help, she knew that much, but at the same time she felt as if she was over exaggerating.
You need help, she'd tell herself, You need to tell someone.
She never did. Not until today.

Eret was shaking, holding her hand before the door, eyes wide and glossy.
Eret sighed heavily and pressed her head against the door, the noise sending a jolt of worry through her.

"Come in," came the unexpected voice from the side of the door.
Eret gasped, obviously not thinking Herobrine might've heard it. He probably thought it was George.

What if he was expecting her brother instead? What if something was wrong and Herobrine really needed to talk to George? Would he be upset? Diassapointed it was Eret?

Eret opened the door, then closed the door behind her with a hurry, said hurry sending her into another fit of unnecessary overthinking.

"Hey kid," his voice is soft, inviting. He wasn't busy or irritated, the thought quelling Eret's anxiety ever so slightly.
"Hey," Eret kicks herself internally for her wavering voice.

"What's up?" Herobrine asked, standing from his desk after putting the papers he'd been holding down.
Eret opened her mouth, then closed it again, shoulders tense as she crossed her arms and glared at the floor.

Herobrine took on a concerned expression, moving to stand in front of Eret, then put his hand on her shoulder.
Eret looked up at her father with slightly watery eyes, his own gentle.

"What's wrong kid?" Herobrine asked.
Eret's lip trembled, chest starting to heave and feeling absolutely pathetic because of the small phrase already starting to make her sob.

She didn't mean to break down like this- it was just that she hadn't heard the question in far too long.
Eret looked down, tears dripping down her face.

Herobrine wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close and letting Eret sob into his shoulder.
"Come on. Let's sit down," Herobrine said in such a gentle voice that made Eret sob harder.

Herobrine led Eret over to the couch he'd gotten in his office, letting Eret collapse and just let it all out.
"It's okay," Herobrine said tenderly, holding Eret in a tight embrace, "Let it out kid, I'm here. It's okay."


Eret had no clue how long it had been, but she knew Herobrine was with her, holding Eret and sroking her hair softly.
Herobrine stayed. Eret had no clue why, but he still stayed.

Eret finally starts to catch her breath, her body isn't shaking as bad and she's shocked at that.
"I'm sorry," Eret squeaked.
"It's alright," Herobrine replied, his voice still filled with nothing but patience.

Herobrine pulls Eret away carefully, testing to be sure she's okay.
"You wanna tell me what's up?" Herobrine asks with a tender look in his eyes.

Eret trembled, the fear flooding back into her again.
"Dad," Eret whispered, Herobrine smiled comfortingly, "You- you wouldn't be mad at me for anything, right?"

"Not unless you did something illegal or you've commited blasphemy, no," Herobrine replied with a rather care-free presence.
"Well it's not illegal," Eret laughed softly, wiping away tears, "But...but it is kinda scary to talk about."

Herobrine takes Eret's hands in his own, eyes showing nothing but love.
"You don't need to be scared to tell me anything," Herobrine said truthfully, "I'm here for a reason, Eret. I'm here for you, you just need to tell me."

Eret's lips tremble, and she feels her chest heave once before she tightens her hold on her father and took a deep breath in, and out.
"Dad, I think I need therapy," Eret said quickly.

Herobrine looks concerned, taking Eret's jaw gently in his hand to turn her face back to him.
"Therapy? Can you tell me why? What's wrong?" Herobrine asked, hand rubbing up and down Eret's arms.

Eret swallowed and took another shaky breath. She tried and failed to gather the courage to look her father in the eye.
"Dad, uh, I have depression and anxiety- uh. I'm pretty sure. I think."

Herobrine was definitely concerned, the look was clear in his eyes as he stroked his thumb across Eret's cheek.
"It's gonna be okay kid," Herobrine said, "We'll get you the help you need, I promise. You wanna tell me how you've been feeling?"

Eret nodded slightly, the tenseness in her shoulders almost completely gone.
"Well, uh, I've been feeling like...worthless if that makes sense. I'm overthinking everything, it feels like everything I'm doing is being judged."

Herobrine took on another look, one of what might be deva ju, as if he knew how Eret was feeling.
"That's awful," Herobrine said with a gentle tone, "I'm so sorry kid, I'm gonna get you a therapist, I promise."

Eret smiled, all but tackling her father again.
"Thank you, dad."
"It's really no problem kid, I don't want you feeling like this, and it upsets me that you've kept it from me for this long."

Eret felt guilty, "I'm sorry."
Herobrine sighed, "It's alright. It's gonna be okay kid."
Eret smiled, "Thank you father."
Herobrine held Eret tight in his arms, secure, safe and gentle.

"It'll be okay," Herobrine said once more for good measure, "You're gonna be okay kid, I promise."

Mcyt Fluff And angst (Read First Chapter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang