Taken home (Herobrine, Eret angst fluff)

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Warning(s): forced leaving friends/home, mentions of war,

Eret groaned and rolled out of bed to the sound of a knocking on the castle door.
Summoning his best 'I've totally been awake for hours because it's noon' voice, he called out.

Dressing quickly, Eret forced his wobbly legs to carry him to the door, rubbing at his eyes.
He opened the door, met with the worried eyes of his father.

"Dad?" Eret muttered, he yawned, moving to let the cleary distressed Herobrine into his castle.
"What's wrong?"
"Pack your stuff, quickly," Herobrine rushed, "Hurry up!"

Eret followed her father, stumbling over her own feet as she scrambled to grab her belongings.
As he shoves a dress into her bag, Herobrine tries to explain what was going on.

"Look, I know you're going to hate this," Herobrine sighed, sweeping essentials into the duffle bag, "But I need to get you out of here."
Eret is suddenly snapped harshly back to the reality.

"Wait, what!?" Eret shrieked, "Dad! What the fuck!?"
Herobrine didn't respond, sweeping whatever he could into the bag, only serving to irritate his child further.

"Eret, I'll explain later. But right now I need you to shut up and do as I say."
Eret clenched her fist, anger rising to her chest.

Herobrine let out a defeated sigh.
"Eret, just liste-."
"No! Why? Am I gonna have to leave my friends for good? What about the others? What the hell do you want!?"

Herobrine took a deep breath in, teeth clenched as he tried to remain calm.
"Eret, this is dire. I don't have time to explain. You're not safe here. You're coming home."

"For how long!?" Eret yelled, pushing further.
"We don't know," Herobrine snapped impatiently as he continued to shovel the younger ones belongings into the bag.

"So you're just gonna show up, tell me I'm in danger, not tell me what the fucks going on, and expect me to just go along with it!?" Eret protested further, "What the hell dad!?"

Herobrine took another deep breath.
"What the fuck are you even doing!? This is insane-!"
"Eret. ENOUGH!" Herobrine boomed, voice echoing off the walls.

Eret flinched backwards, going silent almost immediately.
"Pack your shit and hurry up. I don't want another word out of you until we're home."
Shaking, Eret exhaled. "Yes, father."


Eret sat in her childhood room, tears pouring down their cheeks as she curled up on herself.
Herobrine had informed them of the situation on the way back.

The war between Creation and Destruction was raging more then ever, as the sides clashed.
More and more battles occurred, more bloodshed.

Destruction had made the Cycle of Death aware about a threat Creation had made.
Creation had allegedly threatened that if Destruction didn't step down, then she'd 'shut down the Death Cycle herself'.

Empty as the threat might've been, Destruction was never one to take threats, even false ones, lightly. Especially when it came to those under her command.

Unfortunately, this led to Destruction instructing all the gods to 'collect' any relatives or anyone who could be used as leverage, and bring them to the Destruction Slip.

The Destruction Slip was a pocket area of the world inaccessible to anyone but Destruction, those under her command, and those they allowed in.

Creation had a similar slip. Like Destruction could not penetrate the Creation Slip, Creation was unable to access the Destruction Slip.
This meant that Wilbur, Tommy, Ranboo, Dream, and Eret had all been brought to the Destruction Slip.

Those who could serve as witnesses or were capable of telling anyone what they saw and heard, if they overheard any of the gods conversations, were also taken.
That meant Tubbo, Micheal, and possibly a few others as well.

A knocking on the door drew Eret from her thoughts.
"Come in," she called lazily as she wiped away the tears still lingering heavily on her cheeks.

Herobrine entered the room, closing the door behind him, moving to sit beside Eret.
"Eret," he said tenderly, running a thumb over her red cheek, "I'm sorry. But this is for your own good."

"I know," Eret muttered, leaning into their fathers touch, "I'm gonna miss them is all."
"I know," Herobrine said as Eret sniffled, pulling her into his arms, kissing her head gently.

"It'll be okay," Herobrine whispered reassuringly as Eret placed their head on his shoulder and began to cry again.
"You're safe here. Once this war is done, you can go back to normal life, alright?"

Eret wiped her face.
Herobrine ruffled his hair, making Eret laugh.
The two shared a laugh for a brief moment, before the fun died down.

"Alright, you should get to bed. It's been a long day for all of us," Herobrine said as he held Eret close one last time that night.
Was he really crying in here all day?
Eret nodded against his shoulder.

Herobrine shifted to get off the bed, turning back just before closing the door.
"Love you kid."
"Love you to."

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