2.Meet every one!

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so that guy was PG or Phone guy. "Ok so heres my number and call me if you need to talk or have questions." I nodded and put my uniform on. it was a light baby blue button up shirt and a black skirt. PG said if I had long black boots I could wear them. I decided to get to know every one and since I didn't start till Monday I thought I could hang out with them. I walked out and saw at lest 4 guys. "Hey Jeremy who are these guys?" he turned and gave a weak smile. "U-Um these are my friends." They all gave a weak smile except a weird guy who was purple. His grin was a huge white pervy smile. "Well hello pretty~" I blushed. He of curse was all purple and he had a messy pony tale. "Ok really Vincent you already have a girl so leave her alone." The man sighed and walked a little away from me. "Sorry I'm Mike and that's Vincent over there." the guy I is Vincent waved a bit then went back to work.  The guy that said he was mike was a bit pale and had dark circles under his eyes. He was wearing the same uniform but his had a black tie. Then a short guy with reddish hair  and glasses said "Hi I'm Fritz nice to meet you!" I smiled and told them my name. they all gave me there numbers and said that they all hang out on Saturday's and since it was Friday I decided to hang out with them.  I got home and ins tally got text from every one. Mike first  texted
mike: Hey please try and wear something that doesn't show skin because of Vincent
Me: Don't worry I might be new but I could kick his ass
mike:Ok just be carful. you know his girl friend gets really jealous of other girls
me: oh I will see yeah later
I turned off my phone and talked with Jeremy for a few minutes
Jeremy: so do you watch anime
(If you don't then im sorry)
Jeremy: Oh really what's your fav?
me: (F/A)
Jeremy: Oh I love that one to. My fav one is well...don't laugh please
me: why would I laugh tell me
Jeremy: Its sailor moon...
me: oh I LOVE sailor moon it was like my first ever!
Jeremy: oh really that's so cool!
me: got to go bye
Jeremy: bye
I went and washed my (H/C) hair and than went to bed

Shy but loving Jeremy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now