7.Deperastion hits again

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I watched as this new side of Jeremy came out. The shy guy that I knew was actually a anime fan. But not just anime, he's a sailor moon fan. He owned all the mangas and seasons of the anime. Once it was over he ran up stairs and changed back into his green sweater with black warm up pants. He left his hair all messy so I played with it. I got a brush and brushed through it. I made it look all cute and clean. I sat in front of him and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. I blushed at his light green eyes. I always saw a question mark on his face so I was confused. "I-It's mostly m-my hair t-that makes the m-marks.." I nodded and put the brush down. I gave him a mirror. He smiled as he looked at himself. "W-wow I l-look nice.." I giggled as he messed it up again. He sighed and got up. "I s-still have t-to get t-the rest o-of my stuff f-from my d-dads house s-so I'll b-be right b-back..." I nodded and kissed his cheek. He left and waved as he walked down the road.

I waited and waited for him to come back but he never did. Well not until 5 in the afternoon. My mom was at a friends house so she wasn't coming home tonight. I sat on the couch with a tapping foot. I was mad and worried at the same time. I always did this thing of when someone is gone and they don't come back I always think the worst. "What if something bad happened? What if his dad killed him?!" I smacked myself for thinking that. "He's fine (y/n).. He might just be late cause of walking.." I was now talking to myself. A soft knock came to the door. I jump up and open it. Jeremy was there but he was smiling a little. "What took you so long?!" I nearly yelled. He shrugged and came in. "I'm taking a bath ok?..." I nodded and watched him run up the stairs with a little bag. I sat down and watched some (f/s).
~~~TRIGER WARNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After a while I heard soft cries. I got up and walked near the bath room. I saw some kind of smoke come out. It wasn't steam cause it smelled like tobacco. I heard a small yelp then came a small metal like thud. "Jeremy you ok?.." I didn't want to open the door but I did any way. "OH MY GOD JEREMY NO!" I saw he smoking and cutting. There was at lest 3 cigarette marks on his arm with 4 bloody marks. Luckily he had his cloths on for some wired reason. He stopped and looked up with tears in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry..." I ran up and smacked the cigarette from his mouth and also smacked the razor. I grabbed the first aid from the bottom shelf of the bath room cabinet. I quickly rapped his arm up with some cloth. Once the cloth was fully on his arm I kissed where the marks where, hoping that it would help. I looked at him with anger, sadness and a look of why. I grabbed him and hugged him while rocking him back and fourth, sobbing a little. "I-I'm so s-sorry (y/n)..." He hugged back and cried with me. "Why did you do this?..." I asked after a couple minutes. He sighed. "My d-dad..." I growled. "What happened?" "I w-went over t-there and a-asked if I c-could have m-my stuff back....he s-said yes a-and let me I-in....he t-told me b-before I left t-that h-he killed my m-mom..." I gasp. "H-he said t-that they w-where fighting a-and he hit her really hard...causing her to black out and die.." I looked at him with disbelief. "When did he kill her?" He sighed. " when I was 6..." I hugged him again. "I'm so sorry Jeremy..."

Shy but loving Jeremy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now