Chapter Three: Snow Falls.

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In the forest, the deer were eating the grass while a man on a carriage was on a dirt road. "Hyah!" the man said, whipping the horse, to make the horse go faster. This carriage was white, three guards were behind the carriage while two guards were riding the carriage.

Prince Charming was looking out the carriage window with a smile on his face as he looked at Princess Abigail who sat across from him. "What do you think of the view, my dear?" he asked.

Princess Abigail wasn't too thrilled. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a light blue dress with white fur across the trim along with silver beading. She brought a green and white fan out to cool herself while answering Charming's question. "I've seen better," she said, not impressed with the view at all. "This is taking forever. I told you the Troll Road would've been quicker," she complained. She closed her eyes as they went over a bump. "And far less bumpy," still complaining.

Charming looked down as he got a small brown leather bag out of his shirt. The woman looked over at him, clearly annoyed.

"Are you even listening to me?" she asked, eyeing him.

"Yes, of course, I am," he said, only half paying attention to her.

"Whoa! Whoa!" said the driver.

"Now what?" she asked herself, she wanted to get back to the castle as soon as possible.

Charming got out of the carriage, leaving the brown leather bag behind on the seat. He looked at her and then sighed, walking to where the guards were on the path.

"Worry not, it's but a fallen tree," Charming called out to his bride-to-be. "Fellows, shall we?" All of the guards helped Charming by picking up the tree.

While a hooded person fell on top of the carriage with Princess Abigail still in the carriage. Charming was feeling the tree, examining it. He knew that this was foul play. He knew that something about to happen.

"My Lord, what is it?" asked one of the guards.

"Look at these markings," he muttered. "This tree didn't fall. It's been cut." He soon realized that it was an ambush, and he looked up and over the other guards. "It's an ambush."

The hooded figure got off the carriage quietly and carefully, the stranger went in and snatched Charming's satchel from inside the carriage. Princess Abigail screamed when this happened. Charming and the guards pulled out their swords and ran toward the stranger.

"Guards! Stop, thief!" Princess Abigail called out, the hooded figure got onto their horse and rode off on it, and fast. "Please, help me!"

Prince Charming got on one of the horses and rode after the person in the hood. He was catching up to the hooded figure, he was on this person's tail. Charming whipped the horse to go faster. They were side by side now and Charming grabbed the thief and pushed the person off the horse and onto the ground.

Charming walked over to the stranger, turning them over. "Snow your face, you coward," he said, lifting up his first, ready-to-punch.

This hooded person was none other than—Snow White.

"You're a—" he paused, the shock was all over his face, "girl."

"Woman," Snow stated with a smile on her face. Grabbing a rock and hitting Charming in the chin with it. He fell off of her, got up, and started running toward the horse and mounting it while Charming got up and placed his fingers on the now bleeding cut.

"You can't hide from me!" he yelled angrily at her. "Wherever you are, I will find you!"

Snow rose off on the horse, looking back over her shoulder with a proud smile on her face. Charming was watching her while wiping the blood off.

Once Upon A Time. (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora