Chapter Thirteen: What Happened to Frederick?

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Once upon a time, an evil queen banished every storybook character you've ever known to our world. Who knows the truth and who can break the spell?

It was a beautiful fall day, two white horses were pulling the white carriage, one guard was guiding the horses, the other one was standing on the bar of the carriage, and another two guards on horses were behind the carriage. King George and his men were waiting for the carriage to come to them. When the carriage came closer to King George and his men, King George opened the carriage door and revealed it was Princess Abigail.

Princess Abigail smiled at King George, he helped her get out of the carriage. "Princess Abigail, your beauty grows with each passing day. It is an honor to have you join my family," King George complimented.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Princess Abigail said with a kind smile.

"Let's go!" said one of the knights in the background while the other knights were shouting in the distance, the knights disbursed.

"Is everything okay?" Princess Abigail asked, looking at the knights.

"Just excitement at the royal wedding," King George simply said. "We want to ensure the safety of our guests. So if you'll excuse me—" He walked away from the princess and walked up to one of the guards. "Find him," he demanded.

Prince James was wearing a red thick shawl wrapped around his head, trying not to get noticed by his father or his father's knights. He was on his horse, looking around to make sure that he wasn't followed or heard. He rode down the dirt path in the forest as all of the knights followed Prince James down the dirt path. One of the knights was shooting arrows at Prince James but kept missing him, one of the arrows hit a tree—it was a close one—Prince James looked back at them, he was getting nervous. There was a broken tree—but thankfully it wasn't a big thick tree—Prince James and his horse jumped over the broken tree while the knights hung back. Prince James smiled as he looked back at the knights. "Go around! Go!" said one of the knights to the other knights as they all went around. As soon as they went the other way they didn't find Prince James at all. "Split up!" said the knight. As three went in one direction and the other three went in the opposite direction. Prince James was on top of the hill with bushes and trees hiding along with his horse, he pushed down the thick red shawl and two different knights walked behind Prince James and put a bag over his head.

David and Kathryn were sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner and they weren't looking at each other. David kept glancing up at Kathryn. "Chicken's delicious," he muttered.

Kathryn looked over at him for a moment then she set her fork and knife down on her plate. "David, there's something we need to discuss," she said seriously.

"Okay," he agreed, setting his own fork and knife down.

"I applied to law school," she announced.

"That's amazing. Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked, smiling.

"I don't know. Maybe because I didn't think I could actually do it," she said, shrugging. "But I did. I got this today." She grabbed the letter from under her leg and handed it to David. "I got in," she said softly while he opened the letter.

David's eyes widen. "It's in Boston," he stated, looking over at Kathryn.

"I know things have been hard between us. But maybe a fresh start is what we need. Maybe we've been fighting too hard to recapture old memories when we should have been making new ones instead," said Kathryn, pleading.

David watched her for a second before he looked down at the letter with a smile on his face.

One of the knights took the bag off of Prince James' head and the other took out a knife from his belt. "Who are you? What are you waiting for? Do you think I fear you?" Prince James asked the two knights. The knight with the knife in his hand cut the rope that held Prince James' hands bound.

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