Chapter Eighteen: The Stable Boy.

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Once upon a time, an evil queen banished every storybook character you've ever known to our world. Who knows the truth and who can break the spell?

It was one week ago when Jefferson, Emma Swan, and Mary Margaret Blanchard had that ordeal. Time passed and Emma still didn't know where he was.

Regina Mills has a silver ring in her hand and is looking at it, twisting it in her fingers. She pressed it to her lips and kissed it, closing her eyes as she remembered all of the memories between her and the man who was wearing that ring.

"Remembrance of things past?" asked Mr. Gold.

Regina's eyes opened immediately and she put the ring back into a small gold jewelry box that was kept on her desk. "What do you want?" she demanded.

"I need a favor," said Gold—who was standing near the door.

"You need a favor from me?" she asked, turning around to face him while taking the small gold jewelry box in her hand and hiding it behind her back.

"Well, as you know, there are battery charges against me pending," he explained, taking a few steps into the office. "I really don't relish the thought of spending any more time locked up in a cage. Now, someone with your influence can make the DA suddenly realize what a flimsy case they have. Isn't that right, Your Majesty?" He walked over to the left side of her office, her eyes still on him. He picked up a red apple from the dish—and boy, did she have many red apples.

"What do I get out of it?" she asked, walking behind her desk—still hiding the jewelry box behind her back.

"Help with your Mary Margaret problem. You see, I've noticed that no matter how hard you seem to try to stop them," he walked and stood in front of Regina's desk, "she and her charming friend just keep finding ways to be together."

"What are you suggesting?" Regina said snootily.

"If you want to inflict pain," he set the apple in the middle of the desk, sitting in the chair. "Then you must inflict pain. If something tragic were to happen to David's wife, and if Mary Margret would take the blame..."

"She'd be ruined," said Regina, finishing his sentence.

"And you'd have your victory at last."

"A trial could be very messy."

Mr. Gold breathed in. "A trial. Now, who said anything about a trial?" he asked, taunting her. "Now, once Miss Blanchard has been incarcerated, you can plant one of your lovely skeleton keys in her cell. And when she tries to leave Storybrooke, well, we all know what happens to people who attempt to leave town."

Regina folded her arms on her desk and leaned forward. "Give me one good reason why I should trust you," she said, not trusting Gold at all. She knew better than to trust him.

"Because I always honor my agreements," said Mr. Gold, reaching to take the apple and standing up. "Do we have a deal?" He tossed the apple to Regina and she caught it with her hands.

Regina smiled at Gold. She knew that she couldn't really trust him. Not fully. He has tricks. And he was the most feared person in their small town, next to her. Of course.

Regina was at the stables and she was on her horse with the riding gear on her and on the horse. She rode him and jumped over Horse Jump Poles—they were red and white poles. "Yes," said Prince Henry—Regina's father. The horse jumped over another one while Prince Henry stood and watched on the sidelines with a proud smile on his face while he watched his daughter. After the horse jumped over the last one, Regina made the horse stop and she got off the horse, she walked over to her father while holding onto the reins of the horse with a smile on her face. They both hugged each other and they were both proud.

Once Upon A Time. (Book One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant