counseling 1

25 2 0

Man — struggling with work

Culture = man + environment

= how men live

Scientific progress - life more enjoyable - and challenging

Rapid changes in lifestyle, upbringing methods changed due to scientific development - guidance and counseling - movement - 20 century - counseling

Difficult times - advice of friends, elders and experiences

Modern methods - first discovered in America - American education system

Heart of counseling movement - issue of human nature

Conflicting opinions on basic nature of human beings

Bible calls man bad

Til middle ages it was society's responsibility to correct man

Man + unfavorable environment = bad (and vice versa)

Constructive and useful to society - counseling

Determinism vs self control debate

Modern science - cause and effect shape us

To choose one's partner or profession was not allowed I earlier times

Social development, industrialization etc made it a right - individual freedom - ideological shift in counseling

Simple life - ancient man - food collector

Education aspect : one must know self image and adjust with reality

Eg. People living on wrong career choices - solution : career counseling

1979 - wilhiem wundt - lab - Germany

1905 - binet and Simon

Army alpha and army beta - WW1

Different societies interpret mental health differently

Before 19 century - ignorance and superstitions

Client centred therapy - Carl Rogers
- profound effect on counseling psychology
- emphasis on client counselor relationship
- believed patient can self heal

WW1 and WW2 - great impact on psychology - psychometric tests, individual differences, IQ test, group tests etc - various researches

Margaret mead, Ruth Benedict - sociologists - indirectly contribute to counseling

Counseling development stages :

1. First 1850 -1900
2. Second 1900 - 1930
3. Third 1930 - 1940

Thorndike - alpha beta test

Modern age counselor - real, socially constructive behavior

Special counseling for students struggling with problems of adjustment

England usa France - counselors increasing

Davis - Detroit Central highschool counselor - first - 1898

Career Choices - Evie Weaver author - 1906

1908 - education bureau Houston - Parsons

William Halliey - psychopathic juvenile institute - Chicago

Hot button - USA - group counseling and mental health movement

Parsi panchayat - bureau - first career conference in india

Calcutta University - applied psychology - guidance and counseling

National Council of Education and Research NCERT - tests, information, training for vocational course

Problems with counseling
* Lack of understanding
* Difficulty in adapting the concept in modern education system of India
* Lack of trained counselors
* Lack of respect for counselors
* Lack of fundings
* Lack of proper indian tests

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