employee interview

11 2 0

Interviews - evaluated - Giselle and Brown - 1) analytical 2) integral

Interviewer's guide :
Applicant's work
Family matters
Social matters
Personal matters

Limitations of an interview
- error caused by candidate / recruiting officer / interview method

Lack of rapport
Halo effect ( the tendency to evaluate a candidate's eligibility based on certain characteristics and behaviour )
Contrast effect ( first candidate bad, second is average so we exaggerate their competency as we compare )

Types of interview
Standard / Patterned
Non directive ( opportunity to elaborate )
Directive guided - WW2 - brief idea of interviewing

Errors in merit rating

Employee comparison :
Rank order
Paired comparison
Forced distribution

Individual differences - imp to note

Behavior checklist :
Weighted checklist
Forced checklist - soldiers
Critical incident technique - Flanagan and Burns

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