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Experiment - unknown principles or effect

Webster - each observation - trial test

Exp - first and foremost - artificial creation

Variable has a value of 0

Experiment is a challenge to nature - Beck

Exp is observation in controlled form

Observation and exp - basic sci tools

Special planning before exp

George H Zimmy - exp - strictly controlled env - observation of phenomena

Greenwood - test hypothesis - casual relationship

Tichner - psychologist - introspection

Detailed and in depth  analysis

Measurement gives accuracy to an exp

Rational and objective data collected

limitations :

- unethical to create negative environment and put a person in it

- artificial creation

- care so that it doesn't become completely mechanical

- hard to be neutral

- artificial behavior if realises being watched

Relationship between two variables is imp in exp

Anything that has influence and can be measured is a variable

I V - manipulated

Mcguigan - both young and respcted researchers make mistakes aka errors

Way of controlling IV and controlled variables :

Technique of elimination
- supposedly best
- minimising the value of variable to zero, removing the possibility of influence
Eg. Silent room for no noise distraction in exp
- cannot be used everywhere
Eg. Gender, upbringing etc cannot be altered

- cover the effect of value or variable
- use of partition block - one sided translucent glass - Yale designed a done to cover effect of observer's presence on children's behavior

Control through value constancy
- factors unremovable are held constant
Eg. Sunlight

Sources of exp errors
- lack of control
- incorrect or defective selection
- bad procedure
- allocation to subject is wrong
- measurement error
- faulty equipment
- sub is aware of purpose of exp

For this —
Randomisation and improve control and double sided effect

Constant error types
- space
- time

Error is not used in context of true or false

Deviation in representative behavior of subject due to uncontrolled variable is an exp error

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