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Auditory hallucinations - very common

Olafactory, gustatory, tactile hallucinations - very uncommon

Rosanthof : hallucinations have nothing to do with sensory weakness

V E fisher : mental or implicit activity - An Introduction To Abnormal Psychology - interesting case - patient is obsessed with number 13, a mother patient was thrown in speaking too fast

Obsession - thought

Compulsion - activity

Regression - retreat back when stressed, to childhood phase

Memory disorders - treated by free association and hypnosis

Amnesia protects one's ego

Emotional disorders


Cognitive model 1950

Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis - cognitive theory - abnormal behaviour

Maladaptive beliefs and attitudes

Beck - cognitive processes - Automatic thoughts

1958 - August Hollinstead and Frederick Redlich - Social Class and Mental Illness

The Beck Depression Inventory

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