Chapter 15

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The team looked up as the front door opened about four hours later and they watched the soldier walk in with Akira clinging to him. Her legs were around his waist and her arms around his neck. She was whole heartedly laughing at something he must have just said.

"Okay Sugar, let's get you that medicine," he said as he sat her on the counter. "I'm sorry I didn't think about grabbing it before we left."

"I'm okay Bry Bry," she smiled at him as she watched him set the bags down. "It's only just starting to hurt, I promise."

"Okay, well I'll make you a snack so you won't take it on an empty stomach," he said and she nodded. "Have you decided on what you want for dinner?"

"Do you need me to check on your ankle?" Sean asked as he came into the kitchen.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked shocked as the rest of the group came in.

"We wouldn't be very good bodyguards if we weren't here," North growled.

"I'm fine, I have Brian," She glared at him.

"It's okay Sugar," he said as he patted her knee and handed her the pain pill with a bottled water. "They are just doing their job. We can still spend time together, okay?"

"Okay," She nodded and opened her mouth to show him that she took it.

"Good girl Sugar," He smiled down at her. "Now answer who I am assuming is the doctor." She pouted and he chuckled. "Tell him."

She huffed and rolled her eyes, "I'm fine Dr. Green, Brian carried me the whole time we were out then brought me home as soon as I told him it was starting to hurt."

"Okay," he nodded.

"You can leave, I will have protection," she smirked at the chaos she knew was about to ensue with her next words, "Brian is staying the night."

"What?" Kota asked shocked.

"He's staying the night?" North growled.
"Net!" Raven yelled.

"What the fuck?" Gabe shouted.

"NET!" Raven roared again while clenching his fists.

Owen just stared at her and she stared back before the yelling got to be too much. Brian put his hands on her waist to help ground her.

"Shut the fuck up!" She yelled breaking away from Owen's stare. Everyone grew quiet. "Yes Brian is staying the night! Last I checked this is my house and I am a grown as woman. I can have whoever the fuck I want over at my house and I don't need permission from anyone, especially you! And yes just to rile you up even more because I can and because I fucking want to, he even already has clothes over here! You can't do a goddamn thing about it. This is my fucking house and my fucking life. You aren't my parents, brothers, boyfriends, hell even friends anymore, you don't control anything about me! You have no goddamn say in my life!"

"Okay Sugar," Brian said as he started to rub her arms. "You are the bigger person, remember?" Her anger started to dissipate under his calming touch. "Do you need to go to your anger room I created for you? It's okay if you do."

She shook her head, "I was in there before you surprised me," she whispered.

"Okay," He nodded and held her.

"You may not believe it Akira," Silas said watching everything, "But we are still your friends and we still care about you."

She tensed up and clutched Brian's uniform even more. "No you don't Silas, none of you do."

"Alright, Sugar, I'm taking you to the anger room for a bit, I think you need it more than you realize you do," He said picking her up and taking her to the room. "I see you've already done a number in here," he chuckled. "I'll come back in thirty minutes to check on you." He turned on her music and left the room after handing her a pillow.

He walked back into the kitchen and started making some dinner. He heard the group walk into the kitchen and rolled his eyes, he wasn't going to be intimidated by them.

"Do you really have clothes here?" Nathan asked.

"What exactly is your relationship with Akira?" Silas asked.

He sighed, "yes I have clothes here, I even have a room here. It doesn't really make sense to have a house here when I am barely ever in this country. She let's me crash here when I am back. As for our relationship, that is between me and her."

"How did you meet?" Victor asked.

"A buddy asked me to double date to a ballet performance with him and his girl and her friend. I went and come to find out the girls actually knew Akira personally so we got to go backstage. We met and she thanked me for serving. I didn't know how famous she was since ballet isn't my thing. A creep got a little to obsessed and I stepped in. She thanked me and asked if I wanted to hang out with her the next day so I did. The rest is history," he said as he kept cooking. "You need to go to the store if all of you are eating here, I need more stuff."

"Do you know what we did to hurt her?" Luke asked and Brian sighed.

"Yes I do, and all I can say is that if you haven't figured it out by now you haven't really thought about it all these years because it's as plain to see as the love you have for her that will be unreciprocated."

"You're wrong," North said. "She still loves us, the love we have will overcome this."

"You keep telling yourself that," Brian chuckled.

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