Chapter 40

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Akira walked along the shore and smiled as the waves kissed her feet. She found the perfect spot and sat down. She knew the guys were behind her but she pushed them out of her mind. She wrapped her arms around her knees and rested her chin on her arms. She closed her eyes and listened to the waves as the breeze played with her hair.

She sighed, what was she going to do? She wanted to give the guys another chance at friendship but she just didn't know if she could take the risk of opening her broken heart again. She understood where the guys where coming from with her being underage but they didn't have to tell her for years that she was theirs then not fully explain what that would entail until she was of age that it wouldn't be a problem. They didn't have to help that girl she despised, not all of them and why did it have to be them? Why couldn't someone else help her make her boyfriend jealous? She finally did have the courage to look at their phones and once she was done reading Blake's texts, she saw they were telling the truth, none of them kissed or did more, they just hung out in the room while she complained about her boyfriend not showing her any attention. She sent text thanking them for being such good friends and listening to her rant about her stupid boyfriend and how she was going to seriously reconsider the relationship since he wasn't treating her right and they sent back that was what friends were for. They never reached out to her again as far as she could tell. Why didn't they try and find her after she left?

She sighed again, well she knew why, she made it very damn difficult for them to reach out to her the first couple of years. She blocked every number she had of theirs and made sure to have jobs that just paid cash so she didn't leave a paper trail. Once she got management and her name started to be known she told her management that she wanted nothing to do with them and she did not want her information given to them under any circumstances. Once her name was really out there for everyone she made sure her personal information was sealed up tight, she didn't want any connection to them or anyone else in her past. She started a new life and she wanted to keep it that way but did she now?

"God she's so fucking beautiful," North said softly as they watched her from a distance.

Gabe was busy snapping pictures of her while Kota was playing with Max and Naruto who were getting along great.

"She is," Silas nodded as he watched her but also kept a close eye on the waves. "We might need to do this more often since she tends to bottle it up and not say anything."

"I agree," Owen nodded as they watched her stand and walk out into the water.

Silas started to go towards her but then stopped when she was waist deep. She kept grazing her fingertips back and forth on the top of the water. She looked like a mermaid beckoning them to join her but they knew better, she needed this time alone to regather herself.

"So would she be a mermaid or a siren right now?" Axel asked Silas who refused to comment.

They stayed out there for a couple more hours then Silas didn't like how rough the waves were turning so he said they needed to leave.

"Come on Angelo Mou," Silas said as he walked out to where she was floating on her back. "The waves are getting rough."

She opened her eyes to see him staring down at her. She gave him a barely there smile and made herself sink then came up into his open arms. He held her waist and she sighed while watching the ocean. "Okay Silas," she said after a few more minutes.

They noticed she was quiet on the way back but didn't comment on it. Something was on her mind but they didn't want to pry too much. It was something for her to even agree to go to the ocean with them so they didn't want to push, everything was on her terms so they just took what she gave.

They pulled into her driveway and noticed someone standing on her porch. "Who's that?" Luke asked and she turned to see.

She got out of the car and slowly walked up to the porch. She reached the stairs and stopped. There stood a military officer facing her. "Miss Davis?" he asked and she nodded. Her stomach and heart dropped as the next few words slipped out of his mouth like poison, "I need to talk to you about Brain Jackson, Ma'am."

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