Chapter 38

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Akira woke up and rolled over then snuggled into her pillow, it was just a dream. Her phone started ringing and she reached over to grab it.

"Hello?" She asked half asleep.

"Hey Sugar," Brian's voice echoed back.

"Bry Bry!" She instantly woke up and smiled.

"Why do you sound like you were sleeping? Isn't it the afternoon there?" He asked as she switched the phone to speaker so she could lay back down and not hold the phone.

"I'm sick with the flu," she sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Oh Sugar," Brian sighed, "you just haven't been having a good few months have you? Are you taking your vitamins? Did you call Dr. Roberts or the doctor from the team?"

Just as he said that her door opened and she looked up shocked to see the team come into her room, so it wasn't a dream after all?

"Yes I have been taking my vitamins and Dr. Roberts was busy when I called so I called Dr. Green and he came over to tell me I have the flu. The team has been here taking care of me," She said truthfully.

"Well I am glad they are there for you when I can't be," Brian sighed.

"How is your mission going Bry Bry?" She asked softly.

"You know I can't talk to you about it Sugar," Brian said dropping his gruffness just a little bit.

"I know," She sighed. "But you are okay?"

"I'm okay Sugar," He chuckled. Someone called for him and he sighed, "Sorry Sugar,"

"But you have to go back to work," She interrupted, "I know Bry Bry."

"I'll call back as soon as I can, get better, I miss you Sugar."

"I will, I promise," She said pouting. "I miss you too Bry Bry. See you soon."

"I'll see you soon Sugar," he said then hung up.

She hung up the phone, rolled over onto her stomach, and snuggled into her pillow even more, "Leave me alone." She didn't feel like dealing with their jealousy right now.

She felt someone sit beside her then start to rub her back. She tried to not enjoy the sensations, she really did but it felt so good. "It's okay to miss him Darling," Owen said, oh so that was who was rubbing her back. "He is an important person in your life and heart. We understand, we truly do."

"Can I ask you something?" Victor asked cautiously.

"What?" she asked as a soft moan slipped out.

"Is he your Dom?" Victor asked and she sighed.

"Do you see me wearing a collar?" she asked trying not to roll her eyes.

"No," Kota said confused.

"Then there is your answer," She said as she groaned when Owen hit a tense spot.

"But?" Gabe started to ask but she interrupted.

"He's my unofficial Dom, it's hard to be in an official relationship when someone isn't there for months to years on end with no guarantee that they will even come back. We make it work though." She sat up and started to get out of the bed.

"But there are tons of military relationships that work," Luke said confused and she sighed in frustration.

"See I knew you wouldn't understand," She headed to her closet.

"Then help us understand," Marc said softly.

"It's about trust and communication and reassurance," She said from the closet. "I am loyal to him and I have faith that he is in me but at the same time he also understands that I need constant reassurance and communication due to my past and he can't give that to me while he is gone. I need a lot that he can't give me when he isn't here due to my past. He also knows that I have a lot of issues that I need to work on and he can't really do that over the phone. So while I have trust and faith in him and he does in me, there are things that just can't happen yet. So we have come to an understanding that when he isn't here physically, I still have rules to follow and continue on with my life and when he is here we continue on where we left off before he has to leave again. It's unconventional but it works for us."

"And he's okay with us being here taking care of you right now?" Sean asked as she came out of the closet wearing leggings and one of Brian's shirts.

She sighed, "Look he knows about our past, I've been honest with him from the get go and sure as hell tried to push him away, even showed him the movie to help him understand my pain. Sure he has a lot of anger towards you but he also understands that you had a part of my heart partially because of Blake and partially because of what I use to hope for. You will always have a part of my heart and he knows that. But he also knows he has a part of my heart and that is all that matters to him. He also knows you want to be back in my life as friends. I think he takes comfort in knowing that you are here for my well being when he can not and I can tell he appreciates that." She walked past them with Naruto right by her side.

They sighed, while that cleared up some thingsthat also caused a bunch more questions for them.

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