Chapter 57

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"What?" Owen asked shocked. He definitely wasn't thinking that was the condition she would demand.

Akira sighed then got up off Raven's lap. Courage and anger coursed through her overcoming her nervousness. "Oh, come on Owen, you have to admit that it would be really fucking weird to call Sean Dr. Green after you just fucked him. You say you are in a relationship with everyone so can't you see how fucking weird it is to be calling them by their last names after you just sucked their cock or shoved your dick in their ass? That's pretty damn intimate then for you to go to calling them all professional like is like keeping them at a distance and not acknowledging your relationship with them. Sure, the team may have already gotten used to it over the years, but I won't put Brian and myself through that. I won't put myself through that and it's not fair for you to do that to everyone else also. Think about it, you liked it when I called you Owen, but you didn't like it when I called you Blackbourne. I could see it in your face, it was like I slapped you in the face. It's the same damn thing when you go from a nickname to the last name. I'm sorry, I know that's just how you are, and I am singling you out right now. You have been like that for years and I know I'm bottoming from the top right now, but I just have to put my foot down on it. I won't allow it; I CAN'T allow it. It would fuck with my emotions and mind for you to call me Darling one moment then Miss Davis the next."

"I...." Owen sat there in complete shock. "I...."

Akira rushed up the stairs with Naruto right on her heels and shut her art room then locked the door. Hurt and anger filled her. She turned on her music and picked up her brush, she had to get feelings out. Naruto got comfortable on the couch in the room and went to sleep.

"What is wrong with you?" Axel asked him. "She has a point and is asking for something so small."

"It's small for us," Sean pointed out, "because we already call each other by our first names. It is hard for Owen because that's just the way it has been for so long. You have to admit that."

"She did say she knew it would be hard but still do you really have to fucking think about it?" North asked. "She's only asking for you to call us by our first names. It's not like she's asking us to quit our jobs or move across the country or something. I swear if you make us lose her over this, I will never forgive you and will even consider leaving the family. I won't lose her again."

"Just curious," Gabe said after a few minutes of silence, "If you start calling us by our first names and we call you by yours, then what the fuck will her nickname for you be?"

"I'm sure she will come up with something else," Luke shrugged. "She's creative like that."

"I'm sorry it just threw me for a loop," Owen shook his head. "If that is what she wants then I'll do it."

"Go tell," Raven demanded and after Owen glared at him, he headed upstairs.

Naruto lifted his head and barked. Akira slipped her headphones off, Naruto glanced at the door so she set her paintbrush down, wiped her tears and went to open the door. "What?" she asked in shock seeing Owen standing there.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her with everything in him. She gasped and clutched his shirt to help ground herself. Once they were both breathless he barely pulled away and whispered, "I'm so sorry Darling, it just shocked me. I will work on calling everyone by their first names. I can't promise it will happen instantly but I will try."

Her eyes lit up as he wiped her tears, "Really?"

"Really," he gave her his special smile just for her then frowned, "Why were you crying Darling?"

She bit her lip making him groan as he softly pulled her lip free, "When you didn't answer I thought you were trying to figure out how to say no and were mad that I was trying to change you and being difficult. I thought you were going to leave because I was demanding such a big change and because I was demanding conditions for us to have a relationship. I thought I was being too needy and had finally pushed you away for good."

"Oh Darling," Owen said and kissed her softly. When he pulled away he sighed again, "I'm so sorry for allowing those thoughts to appear. I was just thrown for a loop that's all. The moment we found you we were determined to be back in your life no matter what it took. You could never lose us again, we would do whatever we have to in order to be with you again. Yes it's a big change but I understand your thinking and needs as well. If that is what it takes to help reassure you of my love for you and our family then that is what I will do. Although Mr. Cole-I mean Gabriel does have a point on one thing."

"What's that?" she asked.

"What the fuck are you going to nickname him now Trouble?" Gabe asked. She looked over to see everyone in the hallway watching their discussion. She giggled and Gabe shrugged. "What? If we all are going to call him Owen then what the fuck are you going to call him?"

She bit her lip and thought about it for a minute then burst into a wide smile, she looked up at him and said, "You're my Dragon."

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