Attack on the Bunker

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Quiet hears an alarm go off. Him and the women jump up and begin grabbing weapons from random places in the room. Quiet begins checking a bunch of screens and pressing buttons. All the rooms inside the bunker start lighting up signalling they are under attack. Dariüse wakes up to two asian women laying on top of him and lights flashing in his face. The girls hop up, grab guns from under the night stands in the room and rush off. Dariüse takes a moment to admire the girl's readiness before he grabs his overcoat and Nodachi and rushes off. Dariüse gets to the main room of the bunker to see the women all getting stuff ready for an attack.
Dariüse asks, "What's going on?"
One of the women stops what she's doing and looks at him angrily.
The angry woman doesn't hold back her ferocity and spits, "We let you and your lil' buddy in here yesterday and now we are under attack!"
Dariüse gives her an apologetic look and then rushes off to find Stan. Meanwhile Quiet makes it to the spiral staircase and hears a small boom sound from the top. He turns to the women following him.
Quiet tells them, "When you hear them nearing the bottom of the stairs, blow it up."
One of the women nods their head. Quiet rushes back towards the main bunker while the women get into position to ambush the incoming attackers. Dariüse raced down the maintenance passage passing Quiet, who was racing back towards the main area. They exchange a meaningful look. Just then a loud boom reverberates below them followed by a loud crash.
"The staircase," Quiet thinks to himself and rushes off. Dariüse pulls out his Nodachi and races towards the sound. Bullets fly in every direction as Dariüse races through the chaos.
With a swift slash, Dariüse cuts two people in half that are shooting into the dark. A bullet flies right past his head as he goes to jump over some rubble. He changes into a front flip and throws a knife in the direction of the shot. A man groans and falls over dead. Dariüse continues to race through bullets looking for Stan. With another loud boom, the earth shook underneath them. Dariüse makes his way to the control room just outside in the launch area.
He can see Stan down below punching some guys' lights out. Dariüse looks up. They blew a hole in the launch doors and forced them open, and he can see more men rappelling down, and knows that he has an opportunity to catch them off guard. He grabs one of the ropes, swings out through the viewing window, and cuts as many ropes as he can. Hopefully a fall from this height will either kill or seriously hurt them, and at the very least it will slow them down. Dariüse hears a loud roar like it came from a creature. He looks down in time to see Stan rushing off.
One of the guys tries to jump on Dariüse's back but as the guy falls towards him he lets go of the rope and wraps it around his legs and hangs as the guy slides right off of him and falls to the ground below. Dariüse grabs the rope and pulls out his Nodachi with his other hand while righting himself. He then starts to run along the wall gaining some momentum. The attackers begin firing down at Dariüse. He flicks his Nodachi deflexing some of the bullets. Once he has hit speed, he puts his Nodachi up and jumps off the wall, yanking himself upward on the rope to launch himself into the air. As he is flying through the air he throws some knives which strike two attackers in the hand causing them to drop their weapons. Another knife hits a guy in the eye, killing him, and the last knife hits a guy in the hip, causing him to fall to the ground below.
Dariüse gets just high enough to grab the attacker with the knife in his eye. He grabs the guy's side arm and shoots the two guys pulling knives out of their hands. Then he looked up to see more paratroopers. Dariüse decides it's time to retreat and find Stan again.
Stan crashes shoulder first into a bunker door, swinging it open behind some guys, so he opens fire on them immediately. "Good thing only women live in this bunker," he thinks to himself, "Shoot anything with a dick." A big guy rushes Stan from around a corner slamming them into a wall. Stan headbutts the guy, grabs his side arm, and shoots him once in the foot then another in the head. Stan spits on him and walks away.
Meanwhile, Quiet and his women are making a last stand. Bullets are flying in every direction. An explosion goes off, sending some girls flying. Quiet begins yelling and firing more rounds. "It just seems like the more we put down the more keep showing up," Quiet thinks to himself.
Quiet orders, "There's just too many of them, we are gonna have to abandon the bunker. Activate the alarm and then blow everything."
Quiet rushes off as the girls get everything ready. He makes his way to the hallway leading up to the basement of the cabin above. Just as he reaches the door he hears men on the other side. He places a grenade on the ground then takes off.
BOOM! The door blows open killing two guys infront of the door and knocking over three others standing behind it. Quiet walks through the doorway and guns down everyone. The cabin has suffered a lot of damage over the years but enough of it still stood to hide Quiet. As he looked out into the open he could see this wasn't an attack; this was an extermination. Cars lined the nearly mile long driveway to the main road, and the men seemed to continue to pour out of vehicles. Quiet takes a moment to think then rushes off.
Stan comes up on Dariüse just outside the control room and says, "We gotta get outta here. I know Quiet has to have escape routes hidden all over this place."
Dariüse nods his head in agreement. They come upon a hidden hallway that leads to a cellar door. The cellar door leads outside just behind an airplane hangar. As Stan and Dariüse come running around the front, they see Quiet sprinting inside the hangar.
Cars began exploding one by one. Stan and Dariüse head inside the hangar. Quiet and another woman are preparing a 1988 Dassault Falcon 50 for flight. The lady reluctantly lets Stan and Dariüse on board.
Stan looks around and asks, "What about all the other women?"
Quiet responds with, "We created a bunch of chaos to draw attention away from some of the escape routes. Hopefully most of 'em make it out."
"Still tryna save every fucking body," Quiet thinks to himself.
The plane burst through the hangar doors, as men began pouring in, knocking people and some cars back. Men rain down bullets on the plane. They barely make it off the ground with all the damage they suffered. They all ride in silence for a while.
Dariüse breaks the silence with, "So what now?"
Stan answers quickly, "Someone wants me erased. The G.B.P are the only people with that kinda man power and fire power. We are gonna need somewhere to hide out while we come up with a plan."
Quiet says, "I know a place."
Quiet and the lady look at each other for a moment. Quiet knows it's the only way. Can't run from your problems forever.
Dariüse, who's confused by the exchange says, "Ok... So where we going?"
Stan, trying to figure out why he is being pursued, answers, "Doesn't matter, we can't fly forever."
There's a long pause, then Quiet speaks. "We land in Chicago. It's split between the G.B.P and the freelands. A lot of stuff runs through there including supply's that we're gonna need."
Stan thinks that is convenient, and replies, "Good I got something there I need."
Roughly two hours later they land in Chicago. Quiet and the woman share a moment before he and the others take off.
Quiet tells her, "You need to find out what happened to the others."
The woman nods her head in agreement and prepares the plane for take off. Stan, Dariüse, and Quiet begin walking through the crumbled remains of Chicago's downtown area. Stan never thought that he would see the day when modern day skyscrapers would become little more than ruins to a time before the world exploded into flames. As Stan walks through the city, he lets his mind wander back to when he was younger and the city was filled with life and adventure around every corner. The three of them walk for about an hour or so before Stan stops them in a patch of grass just off the street they were walking down. Darriűs and Quiet both look around and notice a street sign that reads S. Exchange Ave. They didn't know this, but Chicago was the first place Stan ever called home and meant it. As much as Stan loved traveling and exploring the world, having a place to call home was always nice. Stan pushes over a metal pole. It hits the ground, not making a sound at all. A weapons rack rises out of the ground. Stan grabs his back up suit and goes behind some rubble to suit up. Stan takes a moment to admire the way he looks in the suit. "Man it feels good to be back in a suit," He thinks to himself. "Though I'm not happy with the reason why." He clenches his fist as hard as he can. When Stan returns he grabs an assault rifle off the rack and then grabs two pistols and places them in holsters.
Dariüse, looking at the pistols says, "So do we get guns, too?"
Stan rolls his eyes and says, "Of course."
He grabs a semi-automatic shotgun off the rack and throws it over to Quiet. Then Stan grabs a small pistol and throws it to Dariüse.
Stan says, "There, we all set."
Dariüse looks at Quiet then back at the pistol. "Really?" he asks.
Stan just starts walking in the direction of lights.

End of the Fourth Issue.

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