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They finally make it to The Line after walking for another hour or so. "The Line" is just a nickname for the giant wall that separates the freelands from the new America, which the G.B.P. built on the other side of the wall. See, during the seven year war all hell broke loose and nukes were launched at some countries' most important government buildings and landmarks, leaving most of the east coast in ruins. Once the G.B.P. was established they just absorbed what was left of the world's governments and made it all one.
The crazy part though is how accurate movies get the aftermath of an apocalypse. As the three of them walk, they just take in the scene: Torn tents, scavengers, traders, wandering children, merchants, looters, and G.B.P "Peace Agents". "That's just life on this side," Quiet thinks to himself, as the three of them come around some buildings to an open space that looks like it used to be a park at some point. Quiet breaks into a sprint. Just off in front of them, Dariüse and Stan can see some Peace Agents harassing an old man who seemed to be trying to protect something under him. Quiet slams into one of the agents tackling him to ground, and raining down punches on him as they land. Dariüse and Stan quickly sprint after. Dariüse takes out his Nodachi and runs it through one of the agents as Stan grabs the other into a rear naked choke and chokes him unconscious. After beating the agents face in till it was all bloody, Quiet stands up to face the civilian on the ground. He says, "You aight Pops?"
The old man stands up to reveal what he had been laying over. It was an old wooden box.
Pops responds with, "Awww..." he chuckles once, then continues, "that wasn't no thang-- just some hooligans tryna get frisky wit' me. I appreciate y'all though...Wait-- Quiet, is that you, boy?"
Quiet answers, "Yeah, it's me, Pops."
Pops, genuinely surprised says, "Well, now, I ain't seen you in some years. Where you been at?"
Quiet gave an honest reply, "Hiding from the world. What 'bout you Pops?
Pops shaking his head solemnly, answers, "I know how that go, but you know how I be, youngin'."
Quiet smiles to himself, "Yeah. Still playing chess, I see?"
Pops says, "Gotta school these kids somehow-- getting too old for whoopin' on people. "
Quiet agrees with, "You def are Pops. Hey, you wouldn't happen to know, or have, a place we could stock up for a trip would you?"
Pops chuckles and smirks before saying, "Ain't been back in the light a day and already looking for trouble, but yeah, you know how I be. Hey, when we get there, y'all tryna get schooled in some chess?"
They all three shake their heads in agreement. Pops leads them about a mile away to an alley. They come to the back of a crumbled building. Pops uses a key on the backdoor, and it opens up to a decent sized room, which is hidden by a caved in wall on one side.
Pops walks in and begins emptying the box on a table. He sets the box down and they see a chess board on the bottom. Pops sets up for a game with the pieces he took out of the box and says, "Now I ain't got much, but you're more than welcome to what I got."
Stan tells Pops, "We will replace whatever we take. We just kinda crash landed and needed some quick help."
Pops shrugs and answers, "Ain't no thang as much as that boy has done. The least I could do is help him out every once in a while even if he don't accept my help sometimes." Pops chuckles.
Dariüse is the first to play against Pops and Stan and Quiet watch and eat. They go back and forth for a second, but Pops beats him nonetheless.
Pops smirked, laughed and said, "You're good kid, but I done seen it all." When he moves the last piece securing his victory, Pops looks to Stan and Quiet and asks, "Who's next?"
Stan decides to go next. Unfortunately, he doesn't fare better than Dariüse and loses just the same. Quiet standing in the doorway looking up thinks to himself. This isn't good, surely word of those Peace Agents getting killed would have spread by now, and they'll be looking for who did it.
Quiet urgently says, "We should go."
Pops looks at Quiet with curious eyes. "Why so sudden?"
Dariüse glances between Quiet and his food, "Yeah, I just started eating."
Stan looks at Quiet and see's the concern on his face and understands.
Stan, "He's right we stayed longer then we needed." Stan looks to Pops, and smiles. "I promise we'll come back, we owe you some food and a rematch."
As the three of them leave they spot a group of Peace Agents conversing with someone that points in their direction.
Stan sighs and mutters,"That's not good."
Quiet offers, "Yeah, but if we leave now then maybe Pops will be left alone."
Dariüse hesitates, clearly unconvinced, and asks, "Can we take the chance though?"
Quiet, thinks about it for a moment, but eventually answers, "I guess not."
Stan wore a concerned expression. "Maybe he will know somewhere he can go, but he can't stay here."
They go back inside to talk with Pops. They explain that the Peace Officers would most likely come back for him, and that he should lay low for a while, preferably elsewhere. But Pops refused to run away and answered, "Now, I ain't worried 'bout no bullies. This my home. I found all this, brought it here, built this, and ain't nobody forcing me out."
Just then, shots start flying through the walls. They all jumped to the floor covering their heads.
Stan took charge and said, "I'll provide cover fire and draw their attention. You guys flank."
Dariüse and Quiet roll over to the door and get ready. Stan jumps up and starts firing the assault rifle through the wall. A bullet hits Stan's shoulder; he shakes off the pain and keeps shooting.
Dariüse kicks the door open while laying on the floor while Quiet shoots with the shotgun through the doorway. There are about five Peace Agents standing about ten feet away in a line. Quiet hits two agents standing closest to the door. Poom, Poom. The three others turn and begin shooting at the doorway. Quiet jumps to the floor. Stan runs up to the wall, sticks the barrel of the rifle through the wall and begins firing in the direction of the shots. He catches one in the arm, the other two run for cover. Quiet sprints after the injured agent and shoots him. Poom. The two other agents move to shoot Quiet just as Dariüse shoots them from the doorway.
Dariüse, wearing a smug expression, looks at Stan and Quiet and gloats, "See, told you we all needed guns."
Stan, ignoring the smugness, added, "Good thing you have the pistol. or Quiet would be missing some parts."
Dariüse was humbled a bit and grumbled, "I'm a good shot."
Pops comes walking out with a bag. He takes one last long look around the home he's come to love. He sighs and says, "I guess it's time for this old man to hit the road."
Stan was unhappy with the state the old man's house was left in. He looked at Pops and said, "We need to find our way around. Care to show us the way?"
Pops looked unsure when he responded, "I don't wanna be a burden."
Quiet looks at his old friend and says, "Pops, you know no one knows this city better than you."
Pops smiled, "Yeah, you know how I be. Well come on now, we got a ways to go." They begin to walk.
Dariüse eventually asks, "So where we headed?"
Pops answers, "I know a little community that lives close to one of them games. I like to go there and teach the kids chess."
They walk for what seems like forever, until they come across a community of crumbled buildings and tents. Some people and kids rush over to Pops.
One of the men was visibly concerned for Pops' well-being. "We heard what happened, glad you are ok!" The man's voice was thick with worry.
One of the kids asked, "Yeah, Pops, what happened?"
Pops smiled at the small crowd that was gathering, "Aww, you know how I be. Just getting into mischief and making enemies-- nothing old Pops couldn't handle."
Dariüse, rolled his eyes and snorted, "Yeah cause he handled it." Then he looked at Stan and asked, "How's your shoulder Stan?"
Stan rotated his shoulder and then shrugged. "It's fine. I made all my suits special to hold up against a lot. It's gonna take more than one bullet."
Pops ends up taking them to a place in the community they use to house travelers passing through.
Pops looked at each of them with a seriousness that he had lacked and said, "They should take care y'all here."
Quiet's voice was sincere when he answered, "Thanks Pops, appreciate ya man."
"You know how I be, boy, anytime."
After saying goodbye to Pops the three of them search for something to eat and drink before turning in for the day. At an eatery surrounded by people sitting and eating, they overhear a conversation.
A man was being extremely loud and said, "Aren't you excited for tomorrow? I hear if someone beats the champ they get a ticket to cross the line."
"Urgh, I don't know why you get so excited for the games! They are nothing but trouble for people like us," the woman was equally irritated and concerned for the overly enthusiastic man.
He looked at her and said, "Awww, come on! It's great entertainment, plus it's how they keep the peace everywhere-- you know that. They bring people together through the violence that nearly destroyed us."
The woman was angry now, "Bullshit! It's just another way the G.B.P. distracts us. What happened to that 'better life' we were all promised?"
The man was quiet for a few moments, but responded with less energy than before, "Well, we got no more wars, just like they said, and for now that's good enough for me, I guess."
Dariüse looks at Stan. "A ticket across the line could come in handy."
Stan was on the same page. "The games would be a great place to probe for info-- maybe find a lead on who's gunning for me."
Quiet agreed with a mischievous smile, "I love crashing events."
After eating they all turn in for the day. In Stan's dream, he walks up to his house and opens the door. To his horror the house erupts into flames and he see's images of his wife holding her pregnant belly while looking lovingly at the doorway. Stan runs towards her calling out her name but she doesn't hear him, nor does he ever get closer to her. He wakes up in a cold sweat. "I will kill every single last one of them if it's the last thing I ever do. Everyone will pay." He thinks to himself. Stan goes outside and spends the rest of the night shadowboxing, imagining every person he's gonna kill.


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