Nightclub Incident

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That night The Kid takes Quiet out to a nightclub that Bumpy Johnson owns. The nightclub was packed full of people. Music was so loud you could barely hear someone two feet away from you. The club had on black lights, color spotlights and colored strobe lights. It was hard to make out what anyone really looked like with the lighting. The Kid gets them a V.I.P section to sit, he also calls over some girls to come sit with them. "Aye go tell them to bring some bottles over here." The Kid tells one of the girls that came over. She gets up and heads for the bar.
     Quiet notices a large group of about ten or fifteen people walk in together. They all wore all black and were led by two guys and a woman walking in front. The Kid notices Quiet staring at the group. "Aww don't worry about them. There are all kinds of small cliques in Cape Flats. They're harmless mostly. They're mainly just young niggas tryna act hard. You know how the shit goes." The Kid tells Quiet.
        The group gets them a V.I.P section to sit and drink. About an hour or so goes by. The Kid is flirting with the women sitting with them but Quiet isn't really into the whole thing. The image of Quiet appears on the couch across from him. "What the fucks got you nigga? You sitting here with all this fine ass, weed, and liquor and you look like your granny just died. What gives? You still brooding over that shit with Stan and the bunker?" Quiet ignores the image and looks over toward The Kid and the women. The image appears behind one of the girls. " Man fuck that shit. That's the past, this is now and right now you got it made. Need to be taking advantage nigga."
     Quiet gets up and goes to the bathroom. The image appears behind him as he is pissing at the urinal. "You can't run from me nigga. I'm in your head." The image chuckles. Quiet notices some of the guys from that group come walking in together. They each pick a stale and go in and close the door. "Well that's fucking sus." The image of Quiet says to him. Quiet goes over to the sink and cleans his hands really slowly trying to listen to hear something. After a second the guys each come out at the same time and leave. "They didn't wash they hands. That's nasty." The image of Quiet says while shaking his head sitting on the sink. Quiet goes out and back to the V.I.P section. He notices that the two guys and woman that were leading the group have left.
         About five of the guys get up and walk over to a section blocked off by security. One of the guys walks up to the security guy. "Hey this section is off limits man." The guy stabs the security in his neck. The security grabs his neck. Two of the other guys grab the security guy and pull him to the side. They all put on white masks and storm the back room. Quiet notices this commotion going on and gets The Kid's attention. The Kid and Quiet begin to walk over to the backroom. The other five or so guys still sitting in V.I.P see them and go to stop them.

        The five guys with white masks storm the backroom. Three women counting money stop and start screaming. One of the guys points a gun at one of the women's heads. "Shut up bitch. We ain't here to rape ya just to collect the money." The women start putting the money in bags. The men in the main club area surround The Kid and Quiet. "Alright, so which one of you queers is tryna suck my dick? Hu?" The Kid laughs as he says it. One of the women while putting the money in the bags goes for a gun under one of the tables. The five guys unload on the three women, killing them and causing one to go flying through a window looking out into the main area. This alerts everyone to the commotion going on and people start running for exits.
       Quiet punches one of the guys standing closest to him, grabs him and throws him into another guy causing them both to fall over. The Kid spartan kicks the guy standing in front of him leading to him crashing into a table. A guy rushes Quiet and tries to tackle him. Quiet catches the guy flips him on his back and punches him, knocking him out. Another guy rushes The Kid, tackles him to the ground and begins to rain down some punches. Quiet runs over and hits the guy with a chair. The guy who got thrown gets up with the guy who caught him and they rush Quiet. Quiet kicks a chair at one of the guys causing them to fall over. Quiet hits the other guy with two strong punches as he runs up, knocking him out.
         The five guys with the mask are collecting up the money. When they see what's going on one of the guys starts shooting at The Kid and Quiet. Everyone runs for cover. The Kid pulls a pistol outta a holster in his shirt and fires back. The five guys get the money and run off. Quiet goes to chase after, but The Kid stops him. " What are you outta a comic book or something forget it we outgunned, cops probably on they way, and we gotta tell Bumpy and my dad about this." They hurry up, leave, and head to The Old Heads place.

           When they get there The Old Head and Bumpy are having a meeting. "What's this?" The Kid asks "I thought y'all were out drinking." The Old Head responds. "We were till S.A.M.F rolled through and shot up and robbed the place." The Kid tells them. "You sure it was them?" Bumpy asks. "No, we don't know who they were." Quiet chimes in. "But I'm pretty sure it was them, who else is the bold." The Kid says. The Old Head shakes his head in disbelief and disappointment. "There has to be reasoning for this," he says. "I'll have to close the club for at least a couple weeks while I recoup what the club lost." Bumpy says matter of factly but also disappointingly. "Nonsense we'll just pull some profits from the other properties to cover the repairs and reopening of the club." The Old Head tells him. "Once I'm elected president you'll be running all this anyways." The Old Head adds with a chuckle.
      This angers The Kid. "That's what's going on here? You signing shit over to him now?" He angrily asks. "Watch yo mouth boy." The Old Head responds. "Your father hasn't signed anything over to me." Bumpy chimes in. "You'd rather give the gang to him than your own flesh and blood?" The Kid bitterly retorts. Bumpy interjects again "Curtis Kid you have been drinking and it sounds like it was a long night, why don't you sleep it off and you and the old man can talk about it in the morning." "I'm not a fucking kid anymore. So stop tryna treat me like one, like I don't see what's going on." The Kid replies. Quiet chimes in "Hey he's right though man maybe this a conversation for another more sober time." The Kid decides to back off for now. "This ain't over." The Kid says as he storms off. Quiet leaves out behind him. "That boy is gonna be the death of me I swear." The Old Head says. "If not the stress then definitely that hot attitude of his for sure." Bumpy adds. They both laugh and enjoy a drink together.
End of seventeenth issue?

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