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The three of them walk around till they find a food truck. Dariűse's stomach growls. He looks over at Stan. "Please don't make me ask." He pleads. Quiet stares back in confusion. "Yeah I guess we should probably eat." Stan relents. After they order their meals and sit down to eat, an emergency announcement comes on the T.V. in the side of the food truck.

"We interrupt this daily scheduled broadcast to bring you a surprise announcement from the G.B.P today. For the first time ever in the 8 years of the Games. The G.B.P is putting out an open Hunt on a very specific Victim. It seems that the recent string of violence towards innocent civilians within the G.B.P's borders. That of which included the death of Asrai Heartly in a fire, the assault of about 20 bodyguards, the death of banker Nathaniel Landburk, and multiple other crimes involving grand theft auto and the murdering of several Peace Agents. All of this caused by a man named Stan Heartly or the name he was known by in the Games The Mortificator. Stan as you all know was the number one hunter with more than 150 hunts accredited to his name and countless other victories in most if not all the games. With a man like this now on the loose and killing with no remorse, the G.B.P have announced an open hunt for his capture dead or alive. The hunter who catches Stan will not only receive the title of the new number one, but also all the fame and fortune you can afford for your efforts in capturing the most dangerous man alive in our new world of peace."

The food truck driver drives off. "That was a bit of an overreaction." Dariüse says. "I guess the G.B.P have made the first declaration of war." Stan grumbles. "Umm actually I guess you could argue technically I did when I killed those assassins at the funeral, but I was referring to the food truck guy. We obviously weren't gonna hurt him. We even paid for our food. What a bitch." Dariüse states matter of factly. "People running from me is nothing new." Stan assures him. "I guess off to the plane before hunters show." Quiet suggests. As they walk the streets for the most part are empty but Stan can feel eyes on him everywhere. Hunters normally don't attack in the open to many innocents. Stan reassures himself. Eventually they reach a small airstrip. In the hangar they can make out a small private jet. "It's gonna be a stretch." Quiet points towards the jet. "What is?" Dariüse asks. "That jet will barely have enough to get within the border of Florida. We'll be lucky if we don't have to make a crash landing to make it." Quiet explains. "What other choice do we have? Every hunter in the world is looking for me now. The longer we stay out in the open roaming around the more trouble we're gonna run into." Stan states. They decide to steal the jet.

The flight takes about 5 hours. BOOM!!! The whole jet begins shaking and rocking violently. Dariűse jumps awakes. "I'm never gonna get to sleep again am I?" Dariüse complains. "Tell me this thing has parachutes." Stan calls out. "If I say yes, but there are only two would that make anyone feel better." Quiet responds back. "Who's riding bitch?" Stan jokes. "WHAT?!?" Dariüse shouts. "Well there are only two parachutes. So someone is gonna have to hold on to the other." Stan replies. Dariűse and Stan look over to see Quiet jumping out the jet. "Fuck.. haha.. come on Darius." Stan says with a chuckle. Dariüse looks at Stan for a second. Stan chuckles a little. "DAR - I - ŰSE come on..... happy." Stan says. They jump out holding on to each other. When they reach the ground Stan realizes they're in the Everglades.
Quiet catches up to them. "Well, We have two options. We try and hike as fast as we can through the Everglades or we try and find the bitch that shot us down and kill em before they come for us." Stan suggests. "And how do you suggest we do that Agwe only gave us pistols that are probably lost to the wreck now." Dariüse states. "Well considering where we are they will be traveling by air boat. So we should be able to hear them from a good distance away. We set a perimeter around the area and ambush them." Stan suggests. "Yeah but we don't know how many there are. Element of surprise is great but being outnumbered could backfire on us." Quiet adds. "So what do you suggest?" Stan asks. "Why don't you play bait, draw them out. So we can get a feel for how many we are dealing with. Then me and long sword over here can jump them." Quiet suggests. "It's a Nodachi actually." Dariüse corrects. "Yeah. Sound like a plan." Quiet continues. "I guess." Stan says reluctantly. Quiet and Dariűse disappear into some tall grass. Dariűse turning, smiling and waving at Stan as they walk off. Stan sits and waits to hear something.

"Lookie there aah done told ya Cletus having us one them smart niggers would come in handy." Ryker says with a cheer. Cletus a tall beast of a man lets out a dumb laugh. "Hah hah hah you sure did bud." He replies. His appearance was that of a pig standing on it's hind legs both in weight, size, and appearance. He wore overalls with one strap undone. Ryker the leader of the three dance's around gleefully as he watches the plane go crashing to the ground. "Yee dawgy let's go get our prize boys!!" He cheers. Ryker, a tall skinny man, grabs his shotgun and turns his trucker hat backwards. He jumps and clicks his cowboy boots together. Crawford a black man kinda short compared to the others, but massive in size and muscle, gently takes apart his rocket launcher and puts it away. He yanks his pitchfork out the ground and they all board the airboat.
"Now I'mma have you drive ole Bessie, cause Cletus here ain't shit fo directions." Ryker tells Crawford. Cletus let's out a dumb laugh and pulls out a banjo. "Shall I play us some hunting tones?" He asks. "You know what Cletus since I'm in a good mood today. Why the hell not." Ryker says to Cletus cheerfully. Cletus gets a huge grin on his face and begins to play. Crawford starts the airboat and they take off in the direction of the plane. They ride for about 5 to 10 minutes, then POOM!! Something large hits the side of the airboat flipping it over. The three of them make it from under the airboat and on to their feet. "Now what in the Sam Hill fuck was that? Aah done thought you had some brain up there to drive the damn boat boy!!" Ryker yells at Crawford. "It wasn't me. Something hit the boat from the water." Crawford explains. "Now what in the hell you going...."
Before he finishes Stan rises out of the water. They look shocked to see him for a second. "Well don't just fucking stare let's git him." Ryker commands. Cletus rushes at Stan, hitting him with his full bodyweight. Stan takes the hit hard, but he grabs and holds on to Cletus dragging them under the water. The black guy finds his pitchfork and begins to rush over to Cletus and Stan. Just then Dariüse jumps out of the tall grass blocking his path. "Sup." Dariüse nods his head in greeting. Crawford thrust his pitchfork at Dariüse aiming for his chest. Dariüse pulls his Nodachi out and deflects the pitchfork upwards. Crawford swirls the pitchfork around and swipes upwards at Dariüse. Dariüse blocks the attack. Crawford then thrust the pitchfork at Dariüse. Dariüse sidesteps him, and stabs him in the back of the leg. Ryker finds his shotgun and gets it ready to fire. As he is lining his shot up. Bang! A bullet hits Ryker's shooting hand. "WHAT IN THE FUC.... SON OF PIG FUCKING AHHHHHH!!!!!!" Ryker screams out in pain. Quiet walks out from the grass and puts a pistol up to Ryker's head. "I hate rednecks." He says as he looks down at Ryker. Bang! Quiet puts one in his head. Crawford pushes off his good foot as hard as he can and thrust the pitchfork at Dariüse. Dariüse grabs the pitchfork, pushes it out of the way, and stabs Crawford in his chest as he comes forward. Dariüse pushes Crawford to the ground. He wipes off his Nodachi and puts it up. Quiet and Dariüse look over to see Stan standing over Cletus holding him under the water. Though Cletus was obviously dead Stan was still standing there holding him under the water. "Stan, yo, you good?...... Nigga Hello?" Dariüse asks concerned. Stan shakes his head.
"What... hu ah shit I must have just zoned out." Stan says. "You good?" Dariüse asks. "Yeah." Stan replies. They flip the airboat right side up. "Think she still works?" Dariüse inquires. "Let's hope so." Stan responds. They hop on. Stan yanks the starter cord. The airboat roars to life. Dariüse begins clapping and cheering. "Woooo we in business now boys!!! HAHAHAH!!"
"So where we going captain?" Stan asks Quiet. "We need to head east towards Disney World." Quiet tells him. "Wait, your connect lives at Disney World?" Dariüse asks. "You can ask her about it when we get there if you're so interested." Quiet responds. Stan turns the airboat around and they head towards Disney World. "So who are we heading to meet?" Stan inquires. "Saira Hemal. She's a journalist/ hacker/ technology wizard. She gets her kicks hacking The G.B.P and telling their secrets. If anyone can find out what's on that drive it's her." Quiet explains. They ride for about half an hour before they hit the street and have to walk. They walk on foot for about an hour before they come upon the Epcot main gate. About 5 people are standing guard outside the gate. They all point their guns at Dariüse, Quiet, and Stan.
"Stop who goes there? Identify yourselves." A guard commands. Quiet pulls his hood down to reveal his face. All the guards put their guns down. Some of them even salute him. "No need for all that. This is just a visit. I don't run anything anymore." Quiet tells the guards. One of the guards says something into a walkie talkie. "We're getting you a transport to her now." A guard tells Quiet. The three of them sit and wait for their transport. "So you used to be some big shot huh?" Dariüse asks Quiet. "Don't flatter yourself. That's all behind me now." Quiet responds. "Ha and now you're gonna be all modest about it. Haha you and Stan are no fun. What's the point of being so badass if you don't let yourself humble brag every once in a while." Dariüse jokingly complains. Stan begins laughing and shaking his head at Dariüse. "Whatever, I'm more interested in this chick we're here to meet anyways." Dariüse states.
-- End of the eleventh issue???

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