First Impressions

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When the group reaches San Francisco, they stop off in a parking garage near the beach. They ditch the car and head towards the street. After walking for a while, the first to break the silence is Dariüse when he asks, "So, what's the plan to get him to talk?"
Stan takes a moment to think before he answers with a shrug and says, "Prove that I'm scarier than whatever he's hiding from." They approach a hotel on the beach.
Dariüse gestures to the building and ways, "So, this the place?"
Stan nods a yes and explains, "Well, it's my best guess anyways. When I was doing my research there were a lot of pictures of them vacationing, and this seems like the best guess for someone like our man, Mr. Landburk."
The trio approach the hotel, and Stan leads the way through the large front doors. Inside, there's a plethora of fake plants, tourist ads, maps, and, of course, a large desk with computers and an employee. When they enter, Stan walks straight up to the front desk and says, "Hey, I'm a Hunter, and I'm looking for a mister Landburk for a little sponsorship for my next hunt."
"I can check to see if he is staying at this hotel, but I'm afraid that's all I can do," the attendant offered.
Stan smiled and responded, "That's just as helpful." He waited patiently while the representative did some typing.
The attendant smiles apologetically at Stan and says, "Looks like there is someone staying here with that last name, but they are on a do not disturb order."
Stan fakes disappointment, "Thanks, guess I'll have to try some other time." Stan then walks over to Dariüse and Quiet. He uses a soft voice to say, "He's here so I'm gonna make my way up to him. If I'm not back down in 20 to 30 minutes... I guess start raising some hell."
Before walking towards the elevator, Stan looks at them and takes a deep breath. He turns to face the elevator, presses the up button, and waits patiently. He calmly enters the elevator, but he notices that he would need a special key to get to the top floor. So, instead, he decides to stop a floor down from the top.
When he reaches his stop he looks around. "There's gotta be a way up," he thinks to himself. Then, luckily, he just barely sees a cleaning lady going into a maintenance hallway. "Bingo," he thinks. He reaches for the handle, but it won't turn. He looks around and notices the door's locked but there are some vents that go through to the other side.
"Maybe I can squeeze through to the other side," Stan thinks to himself, and he angles his body to fit through. As he is trying to squeeze through, someone grabs him, and pulls him back. Stan turns to see five guys in black suits, wearing confidently sadistic smiles. He knows that these must be bodyguards.
The one who's closest to him laughs darkly, and explains,"Mr. Landburk has bodyguards everywhere. You're fucked." The other four henchmen all laugh together.
"Yeah, we just so happen to see you on the camera coming up the elevator so we decided to be your welcoming party," another bodyguard added.
Stan smirked, and asked, "How do you know I'm here for him?" The biggest one steps forward, and retorts, "Who the fuck else would you be here for, smart ass?"
Stan makes a pensive face and says, "Okay, fair point."
Four of the bodyguards rush Stan. With the biggest waiting back. Stan goes to step back and realizes he is standing in front of a wall. "Shit," he thinks. As they close in, Stan pushes himself off the wall with his foot and runs straight into one of bodyguards headbutting and tackling him down. Stan rains down some blows, effectively knocking him out. One of the bodyguards runs up and goes for a kick while Stan is still on top of the guy. Stan catches the kick and brings down an elbow on the knee breaking the guy's leg.
Stan stands up, but the other two bodyguards rush at Stan together. One goes for a takedown, while the other goes for a flying kick. Stan sprawls landing on top of the guy going for the takedown and barely missing the flying kick. Stan grabs the guy into a front headlock choke and breaks his neck. The other bodyguard rushes in on Stan and goes for a high kick, but Stan steps out of the way just in time. He goes for a spinning back kick and Stan ducks under. Then, the bodyguard goes for a kick to the body. Stan catches the kick, brings an elbow down, which breaks the leg and punches him, knocking him out.
The big Bodyguard takes off his jacket and steps forward. They size each other up and square off. The bodyguard immediately throws a haymaker to Stan's face. Stan blocks it, but it still hits hard. The bodyguard rushes Stan, picking him up and slamming him into the ground. He tries to rain down heavy blows, but Stan makes most of them miss and hit the ground. Attempting to get out of the position, Stan catches one of the arms and tries for a triangle choke. The bodyguard lifts Stan off the ground and over his head. Just as the bodyguard goes to slam Stan, Stan lets go and uses the big guy's momentum to flip him to the ground. The bodyguard gets up, visibly angry now, and rushes at Stan and tackles him to the ground. As they go down, Stan catches the bodyguard in a guillotine choke squeezing as tight as he can. The bodyguard struggles for a little bit, while trying to get free, but eventually goes out. Stan checks all the bodyguards and finds a key. He was out of breath, but he lets out a triumphant, "Ah ha! I knew one of you would have one."
Stan goes back to the elevator and uses the key to get to the top floor. When the elevator opens Stan see's about twenty bodyguards all waiting for him. Some have bats, and clubs, others are looking around for something to grab. Stan steps out of the elevator. Three bodyguards rush at Stan. He sidesteps the first one and kicks him in the body knocking the wind out of him. Stan then punches him in the head knocking him out. The second guy swings for Stan's legs. He just jumps over his swing and kicks the guy in the head knocking him out. The third bodyguard swings for his body. Stan catches the bat and punches the guy in the nose breaking it. He next grabs him and throws him at the other bodyguards that were waiting for a chance to attack. Two bodyguards attack Stan from behind. He steps back and elbows them in their stomach's.
He suddenly grabs the bats and breaks them over his shoulders. "SNAP!!" Stan grabs the two bodyguards face's and slams them both into the ground. Five down fifthteen to go. Stan thinks. A bodyguard rushes at Stan with an overhead strike with a bat. Stan grabs the guy and throws him over his shoulders slamming him into a wall. Six. Two bodyguards swing bats at Stan's head. He puts his hands up to block. The bats break when they hit Stan's arms. "CRACK!!" The bodyguards look shocked and scared. Stan, composed, uppercuts one of the bodyguards in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. Then he punches the bodyguard in the head knocking him out. Next Stan does a spinning back fist to the other bodyguard's throat, gagging him for a second. Stan then starts kneeing him until he falls to the ground.
A bodyguard slams an end table on Stan's back. Stan looks back and does a jumping back kick. He turns and follows it up with a jab, cross, high kick, putting the guy down. Another bodyguard goes to kick Stan in the body, but Stan blocks it. The bodyguard follows it up with two wild punches. Stan dodges the first one, and catches the second one with his arm. Next Stan punches the guy in the body, and then in the head knocking him out.
Stan looks up. "OOOOOOO only half of you left." Stan says in a giddy way. The remaining bodyguards look nervous. Two of the bodyguards rush at Stan. Stan ducks under the first guy and kicks the second guy in the balls. He then turns and hits the first guy with a heavy punch breaking his jaw. He turns back to the second guy and finishes him off with an ax kick to the head. "Eight left boys. What's it gonna be?" Stan asks. Stan goes on the offense and rushes the bodyguards. He hits one of the guards in the head with a flying kick before the bodyguards have a chance to process what's going on. The seven remaining bodyguards swarm Stan hitting him with table legs, bats and clubs. Stan puts his hands up to block all the incoming blows. The bodyguards swing so violently that they break their weapons hitting Stan. They look on in terror as Stan lowers his hands and begins to laugh seemingly unfazed by anything. "HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I haven't had people this scared of me in a long time." Stan says in a happy tone.
Suddenly he grabs two of the bodyguards and slams their heads together. Breaking their noses and knocking them out cold. Before the other guards can get their bearings Stan grabs another guard and starts slamming their head against the wall till they're unconscious. Stan walks slowly towards the last four guards. The four guards get themselves ready for a last attack. They attack in combination with each other throwing punches and kicks at Stan. Stan blocks and dodges the first wave of punches and kicks. When the second wave of punches and kicks begin, Stan is ready. He catches the first guard's kick to his chest. Stan punches the guard then picks him up, and throws him at the second guard about to attack. The two guards fall to the ground. Stan turns and counter punches the third guard who was tryna attack him from the side. The last guard doesn't attack. "Have you seen enough?" Stan asks the last guard. The guard shakes his head yes and runs off. Stan walks up to the penthouse door and kicks it in.
"Nathan I know you're in here. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Stan shouts.
--End of the eighth issue????

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