The new hero in town: Azur Blaze

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In Japan there are heroes who fight with honor and save people like the noble heroes they are suppose to be however now in days the heroes just do there
job to get paid, all but one of course and that hero isn't a human but a Kitsune. His name is Foxie Celestial who is more commonly known for his hero name, Azur Blaze. Foxie has always shown how amazing it is to be a hero and not a villain which convinced people to want to become heroes and it's
because of his attitude and compassion that the people of Japan are safe and feel safe. However there are those who like the more flashy heroes and always believes that their so called "number one hero" will save the day only for Azur Blaze to work in the Shadows because he doesn't work with the rest of the heroes because he's a vigilante. Now off with the story.

In Tokyo, Japan. Meta: Hey do you think we will get a chance to meet the vigilante that everyones been talking about because I sure would love to meet the hero that isn't on our team.

Shadow: Well I don't know because he's always in one place and then another like that one time when we were in Okinawa and he moved from Okinawa
to Osaka which made it hard for us to have an audience with him.

Inferno: So what's the big deal about a loser such as this vigilante, Shadow I mean he can't be that good and who knows he could be doing this for the fame
like us and just stealing away our fans like a certain hero we all know and love.

Shadow: Well you have a point but the thing is everyone loves him because they believe that he isn't just some vigilante but in fact a true hero like that one hero that people grew attached to but died due to the worlds most dangerous villain.

Inferno: Oh yeah well that hero was probably weak, I mean if it was me I would've knocked him out and arrested him and then become the new number one hero so that way all the people could love me instead of that hero.

Meta: Well people do love the underdog but I heard that this hero is someone who loves saving people and makes sure that the villains can't hurt anyone and I also heard he loves kids even though he doesn't have any of his own.

Inferno: So what's that suppose to mean I mean all of the heroes that fought against the villain were either weak and retired or just killed in the fight, and
come on like this vigilante is someone who has beaten the villain that everyone was scared of.

Meta: Well actually he managed to hold his ground and defeated the villain with his amazing combat skills but also his ability to use his technique which
is called the Azur fire ball which melted the villains clothes and even warned him down enough for the cops to apprehend him.

Shadow: So he loves kids and is a strong fighter, seems like I found myself a potential student.

Inferno: Huh! You want to take that furball under your wing but why I mean he is weaker than me when I'm at my full power.

Meta: Yes well you went against the villain that gave everyone nightmares and you were badly injured to the point where you couldn't move for three weeks

After the conversation, the heroes noticed that there was someone attacking a villain and this someone was none other than the famous hero: Neon who has the strength to put all the villains in submission but unlike Azur Blaze, he lost to the villain rather easily.

Neon: It's over villain because as long as I am the number one hero, I'll make sure that even a villain like you will be put in jail, the villain just smiles and starts to laugh.

Drill Buster: Heh so that's why your a hero huh then your a disgrace to humanity, even though people love you there's always going to be someone that is
loved more and I think that person exist in the form of an actual hero such as Azur Blaze.

Neon: Shut up! I'll make sure that your dead, Drill Buster blocks the incoming punch and does some pretty heavy damage to Neon which leaves the hero
on the ground and defeated and also Drill Buster posted the hero defeated through out the world.

Drill Buster: Heh have a nice night Neon because you deserve what's about to happen to you after what you did to my father.

The next day, Everyone saw the news and were very shocked to see that the villain known as Drill Buster was able to defeat their number one hero so
easily but also the revealing secret about the hero and the reason he became one whcih made everyone mad.

Foxie: Wow things are looking pretty bad out there if you know what I mean.

Shadow: Oh Foxie so nice of you to drop by.

Foxie: So what's going on out there exactly did something happen or was someone defeated.

Shadow: Are you familiar with the villain known as Drill Buster.

Foxie: let me see, is he the guy that believes that all heroes are nothing jokes because if that's the same guy then yeah.

Shadow: Well last night our number one hero was defeated in pretty rough way and also everyone is starting get worried about this villain which is why
the hero comapny sent me to stop him for good.

Foxie: So are you going to kill him or are you going to arrest him because I think I see where he's coming from.

Shadow: Oh really how so?

Foxie: Well aside from you, all of the other heroes basically just do their job for the popularity and because your the only actual hero that protects people
then why don't you take him under your wing.

Shadow: You know that's not such a bad idea and besides the only thing that he did that was bad was fight against Neon so I guess he's going to be warned so I'll think about it.

To be continued

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