Yami loses to a villain

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After leaving Japan to go to America. Foxie and Baltimore decided to talk on the boat and it was sad because it was about how bad the hero that everyone loves is the same person that disrespects the heroes but also the vigilantes.

Foxie: Well it looks like someone is going to be in big trouble after what he just posted

Baltimore looks to see what happened and it was very disrespectful.

Foxie: heh he hasn't changed a bit.

Baltimore: Why does he hate all of the heroes and vigilantes.

Foxie: Because he knows that we can do his job better than he can and even his whole entire agency hates him.

Baltimore: Wow so then that means if he loses all of his heroes then-

Foxie: then we will have the advantage when we expose both him and his dad and then and only then will the people see how evil he really is.

That night everyone was shocked by the news and Foxie looked it up on his phone to see that the number one hero has lost to the same villain that gave his dad a hard time.

Foxie: So Yami was defeated by that villain, will I guess it serves him right after all the things that he did to us.

Baltimore: Well I mean all of the heroes are going to be fighting against the villain soon.

Foxie: Yeah and the funny thing is, Yami's dad created that villain when he turned him down for wanting to become a hero and also killing his family so yeah Yami and his dad will be taken away by the cops thanks to this villain.

Baltimore: Well if he's such a villain then why isn't those two dead.

Foxie: Because he wanted to show Yami and his dad what pain looks like since after all he lost his parent to his company but also because of Yamis pride in killing every possible threat.

Baltimore: Well I guess I have no other point but to decline his offer since he wanted us to be on his side.

Foxie: Yeah because he thinks he can make fun of us and treat us badly like he did the last time but to be honest when we get there I don't want to compete with him at all.

Baltimore: Agreed but unfortunately the manager is kind of getting married to Yamis dad which can only mean one thing.

Foxie: Well it depends does she know the truth about Yami because if so then that means she's not on our side.

Baltimore: Well yes she does but she thinks it was our parents fault that he turned out like that.

Foxie: So that's what she thinks but honestly I can't tell if she's an idiot or just straight up delusional which if the second is true then that would mean that
Yami's dad did something to her.

Baltimore: Well I guess so but the truth is she was like this with the last husband she had and he couldn't deal with her anymore because she was going behind his back with Yami's dad.

Foxie: Wow she must've done alot of things to get in the music agency.

Baltimore: Well she lied and said that her husband died because she didn't want anyone to know about what happened to the two.

Foxie: Wait what's her name.

Baltimore: Her name is Alexa and she looks about 25 years old I want to say.

Foxie: Wow she's that young.

Baltimore: Yeah why did you want to know about her name?

Foxie: Well the thing is me and her so called "late husband" actually know each other because he's the same one that asked me to arrest Yami's dad and also the detective that has trouble with his current wife.

Baltimore: Wait so he's her Husband.

Foxie: Yeah and I told him if he could come to America to see the wedding but also make a dramatic entrance.

Baltimore: Wait so you don't mean.

Foxie: He's coming here and is looking for his wife and also I got all the evidence that can put her to jail for a very long time.

Baltimore: How did you-

Foxie: Well that was the easy part, she lives in Kyoto so naturally I would find her there because you and I know that place from heart.

Baltimore: Well where was she.

Foxie: Remember that one fancy resturant that was forced to close because of the villain attack, well turns out that it was actually run by her which also means that the inspectors came and found some evidence about her private life and when they found out.

Baltimore: They let her off with a warning.

Foxie: Yeah and that is because before she was the owner of the resturant, she was a villain known as Queen Spear.

Baltimore: I think I heard about her from the heroes and if I'm not mistaken then that would mean that our manager is none other than the former villain and scientist Ms. Queen which she changed to Alexa Sting after she got married.

At LA.

Baltimore: Well we are here.

Foxie: So this is the place that the Yami likes, no wonder I mean it litterally is the place where people become popular.

Baltimore: Yeah and there is one more thing that I would like to add, all the other members of K-idols are actually vigilantes like us from Kyoto.

Foxie: Well I figured as much because after all I did meet you and someone else back in Kyoto.

Baltimore: Was it Dragon King.

Foxie: Yes it was.

Baltimore: Wow so you already know who they are.

Foxie: Well to be fair, he did say something about him being in the music buisness.

Foxie and Baltimore continue to talk when all of a sudden a notification comes up telling both Baltimore and Foxie that the crime rate in the USA has gone up instead of down which means that Yami didn't do a very good job.

Baltimore: Wow so Yami doesn't deserve the tittle of the number one hero after what happened in his last fight because all the villains are starting to make their move now.

Foxie: Yeah I figured as much but the weird thing is that it's only two villains so either they must be strong or the heroes here are just making it worst by not doing anything.

Foxie and Baltimore run towards the place and notice that the two villains are there so they suit up and knock them out easily.

Azur Blaze: Well that was a little to easy.

Drill Buster: Yeah the heroes really are pathetic.

All the people are looking at the two vigilantes and notice that they have taken down the two villains.

Random woman: Wow is that Azur Blaze and Drill Buster.

Azur Blaze: I think we should go now.

Drill Buster: Yeah I think so too.

Azur Blaze and Drill Buster disappear.

Baltimore: Well that wasn't fun.

Foxie: Yeah well the heroes are obviously lazy.

To be continued

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