Next stop: Italy

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After coming to America by Ferry to see the K-idols, Roger, a detective from Kyoto came and revealed why he was there and now Foxie and Baltimore along with the K-idols are going to be heading to their next distination which is none other than Italy.

Baltimore: Wow I can't believe that we are going to be Italy.

Foxie: Well I know what we should do when we get there.

Baltimore: Yeah some sightseeing and after that we can put on a show for everyone there.

Alexa: Well luckily for us, the heroes of Italy will be there in disguise so you probably won't be able to guess who's going to be there.

Baltimore and Foxie leave and meet up with the heroes of Italy which is good since all of the heroes noticed that Yami's dad is going to be here for the concert.

Foxie: So that's the Dragon Kings cousin, Captain Flare or otherwise known as the Dragon fighter.

Baltimore: Yes that would be correct and not only that but all of the heroes have probably noticed that Yami's dad is planning something evil.

Foxie: Yeah well I hope his dad doesn't do something stupid that gets everyone hurt or worst.

Baltimore: Yeah I agree because if he summons some kind of crazy villain that has the power to rival the strongest hero in Japan who went missing 2 years ago then we might be in big trouble.

Foxie: Yeah and not to mention that the number one hero in Japan currently isn't in good condition because of the last villain fight so it looks like we might have to help the heroes out in fighting off the potential villain.

Roger: Oh, Alexa you still don't get why I am here.

Alexa: Well aren't you going to tell me.

Roger: No, you'll learn when the time is right but until then just make sure you do your job or otherwise someone is going to find out who you really are.

Alexa: What do you mean?

Roger: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

That night was the K-idols performance in Italy and out of nowhere a villain attacks but no one is hurt thanks to The Dragon fighters power.

Dragon King: Well I guess that it's time to rock and roll.

Dragon King attacks from the air and punches the villain but the villains powers block the hit and cancels out all of the Dragon kings movements.

Dragon King: No way, I can't move.

Serpent: Well that wasn't so hard.

Dragon fighter kicks the villain out of the way.

Foxie: Well I guess I'll have to use this to distract him.

Serpent: My name is the Serpent master and I am the villain that will bring misery to the whole world.

Foxie jumps up and kicks the Serpent master in the face.

Foxie: Alright I might have to slow him down so I guess I'll have to use this.

Foxie throws needle containing an antidote to destroy all the toxic materials in the Serpent master and when the Serpent master tries to attack, Foxie kicks him to the ground.

Officers: We'll take it from here.

The Officers pick up the Serpent master and throw him into a cage.

Foxie: So I guess the concert was cancelled.

Baltimore: Unfortunately.

Foxie: Well I guess Yami's dad summoned the Serpent master to take down the heroes in Italy but he was surprisingly very easy to fight thanks to the antidote I had created.

After everyone went home for the night, Alexa and Roger decided to talk and it was shocking to Alexa.

Roger shows Alexa the photo that his young partner took and Alexa tries to convince him that it's not who he think it is.

Roger: So the kid was right, you are in love with the villain behind all of this and what's worst is that so many people could've died if it weren't for the heroes.

Yami: So you guys are here as well.

Alexa: Yami, what are you doing here?

Yami explains to them why he's here and Roger just changes the subject.

To be continued

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