K-idols new team member: Azur Blaze

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After talking to Shadow about his past with the number one hero in the world, it was time for Foxie and Baltimore to take the ferry to America and have their first ever performance.

Baltimore: You are surprisingly calm.

Foxie: Well I am excited to meet your crew and quick question, do I know any of them.

Baltimore: Actually yes you do and they are going to be so excited to meet you because they heard that Drill Buster has a new partner in everyones favorite vigilante, Azur Blaze.

Foxie: Oh, come on I wouldn't say that I'm everyones favorite I mean I think that you would be everyones favorite since you were able to knock out the number one hero and also gave him a reality check.

Baltimore: You heard about that.

Foxie: Yeah and honestly I'm glad it was you because if it was me, well let's just say I would do more than give him a reality check.

Baltimore: Wait you don't mean that-

Foxie: No I wouldn't hurt him but I would destroy that horrible pride of his because he's just to prideful and doesn't care at all about what happens to the people.

Baltimore: Well I guess you have a point because all of the heroes now are pretty weak except for the number one hero in the world.

Foxie: Yeah well he doesn't deserve the tittle of the number one hero because after all he used me and I couldn't fight back because he was acting like a brat but also it felt nice being the older brother to him.

Baltimore: Yeah well at least you have a chance to meet him.

Foxie: Yeah well I won't be happy because after all, I had to go through a lot of suffering because he was and still is too prideful and doesn't care about the risk he puts people in.

Baltimore: Well I hear where your coming from but if that's the case-

Foxie: Then why did I turn down entering the stupid tournament, it's simple because being a hero doesn't matter how cool you are or how amazing you are, if you can't save anyone then your useless.

Baltimore: Yeah well I couldn't agree more because after all he was weak as a kid and now because he thinks his the best in the world because you didn't enter the competition.

Foxie: Yeah well I didn't want people to think that I did this for the fame.

Baltimore: Say do you remember back when we were kids and Yami would not stop making fun of me for looking like a girl even though I am one.

Foxie: Yeah and if I remember you were crying like a little girl.

Baltimore: Baka don't you remember what you said.

Flashback to 15 years ago.

Yami: Well if it isn't the one and only Baltimore, still pathetic and useless as always.

Baltimore starts to cry a little until Foxie comes.

Foxie: Hey Yami I think your dad wants to see you because he was like bring me Yami now.

Yami: Well alright.

Yami leaves and Foxie walks up to Baltimore.

Foxie: Baltimore are you ok.

Baltimore: ( sniffle ) I don't know.

Foxie: Your the daughter of one of my dads friends so why would Yami be picking on you.

Baltimore: I don't know because we used to be friends until one day-

Foxie: I see you don't need to tell me anymore because I bet I know what he said.

Baltimore: You do.

Foxie: Yeah I mean I had to put up with both Yami and his dad for a long time and the same can be said about my dad because the two of them were close.

Baltimore: Yeah well he said some pretty mean things about my dad and he knows that he's an amazing hero as well.

Foxie: Yeah well Yami doesn't care how many people he hurts because as long as he gets what he wants then that's all that satisfies him.

Baltimore: So he's been spoiled too much is what your trying to say.

Foxie: Well yes naturally his dad thinks really highly of him and praises him for thinking that he's better than everyone but in all actuality he really isn't.

Baltimore: How so.

Foxie: Well Yamis parents always think so highly of him because he lies to people and well that's what just the type of person he is and even if you are his best friend then that just makes you feel down about yourself because all he cares about is being number one at everything.

Baltimore: I bet you would like to tell him that yourself.

Foxie: To be honest I really don't want to put up with him any longer and honestly I thought that he would treat me with some respect since we are pretty close but no it turns out that he's the same way with me and he will always be like this.

End of Flashback.

Foxie: Yeah I remember and that's one of the reason why I'm not too thrilled about seeing him again especially after what he and his dad did to me and my dad all those years ago.

Baltimore: Well I'm not too thrilled either I mean if anything I think that it's a good thing that he doesn't understand why he's the number one hero because if he did know why then he would be in big trouble since of course they did all those things to you and your dad and yes at some point where going to need to expose him to the real world since after all Yami isn't one of us but actually human.

Foxie: I take it you realized why I was protecting him that long.

Baltimore: Yes and not only that but his dad is also human as well correct.

Foxie: Yep that's true and that's the same reason why my dad was protecting and putting up with him for so long.

Baltimore: Wow but was he at all grateful to your dad.

Foxie: No even when my dad protected him from threats and saved him from getting killed, he was still ungrateful.

Baltimore: So how did your dad die.

Foxie: Well Yamis dad killed him for no reason at all and I was there too so I knew it was him and I even asked one of my dads friends if that was Yamis dad and sure enough it was.

Baltimore: Well does Yami know.

Foxie: considering that his father is a killer then yes.

Baltimore: So he knows and he didn't do anything about it.

Foxie: Well yes of course after all this is the same guy that I was forced to protect until the day my dad found out about the type of person he was.

Baltimore: And that was a long time ago right.

Foxie: Well allow me to explain the whole situation, my dad found out just how sour his dad was and yes there were some times where we thought they would change only to find out that it was all an act.

To be continued

Azur Kitsune Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz