Leaving Shadows agency

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After the wedding, Baltimore asked Foxie if he would like to join her agency which is the music agency known as K-idols which is also the name of the idols, now it is time for Foxie to explain the news to Shadow.

Foxie: Oh hey Shadow can I talk to you for one moment.

Shadow: Oh Foxie what a wonderful suprise, what can I do for you.

Foxie: Well an old friend of mine showed up at your daughters wedding and he wants me to join him at his agency which is why I'll probably won't be here anymore.

Shadow: Hmm I see well best of luck Foxie and make sure that you keep your friend safe and also make sure that you tell him the truth about your identity as the vigilante.

Foxie: I take it you knew about the Azur Blaze Vigilante.

Shadow: Yes and I'm amazed that you were able to beat such a powerful villain with ease.

Foxie: Well to be honest, he wasn't that powerful because I created something that neutralizes his powers and basically just burned him with one of my explosives.

Shadow: I see but what did you use to neutralize him.

Foxie: I took one of my plants that I did some research on and I found something important that turned out to be the secret weapon in defeating him and so after I threw it at him, I just took him out.

Shadow: And because of that crime has dropped to the lowest point and not only that but all the villains have been arrested and are now being tested to see if they have the strength to beat the number one hero in the world.

Foxie: Well yes that is something to be proud of but the truth about where these villains are coming from was bugging my friend non-stop so I asked him if there was a way I could help.

Shadow: I see well then tell him that we need to discuss what we are going to do when you get back.

Foxie: Yeah about that um he wants me to tell you that we won't be coming back no time soon because we are actually going around the world to be idols but also take down all the major threats that are in places such as USA, UK, Europe and ect.

Shadow: Wow so you really are going to be gone for that long.

Foxie: Yeah but hey at least I was here for the wedding and it turned out perfect because all the heroes are going to be taking down most of the villains wether for fame or not.

Shadow: Yeah well the people sure are going to miss you like a lot and well you know who is going to miss you as well.

Foxie: Yeah well she has Leon so everything will work out and on top of that, Leon is a hero and she will become a hero as well since that's always been her dream.

Shadow: Well I suppose you have a point but if my hunch is correct then you will meet the number one hero.

Foxie: Well yeah but the funny thing is I actually know him because we used to be very close til he moved away.

Shadow: Wait you mean that you and the number one hero used to be best friends.

Foxie: Well I wouldn't say that we were friends or best friends or like brothers but are parents were close the day he moved away and cut off all contact.

Shadow: But why would he do that.

Foxie: Because being the number one changed him into an over confident person and he decided that he was better off with out me.

Shadow: Wow so he let all the fame go to his head.

Foxie: Yes but before he became the number one hero, he was always like that where everyone wanted to be his friend and he even had a girlfirend, meanwhile well I was always supportive to him but he casted me away like he was the amazing star and I was just his shadow.

Shadow: Yeah but was there a time where he treated you with respect.

Foxie: Well I was always like the cool and mature older brother while he was the amazing star that wanted everyone to be his friends and no, our relationship got worst because his dad always told him to be better than me and I always let him when every single time and at first my dad said that it was cute but then as he got older, well.

Shadow: He saw the darkness in him correct.

Foxie: Yeah and one day he just wanted me to stop being his friend altogether and I knew that he was right, so I agreed with him and moved on with my life and even entered a competition to see who would become the next number one hero and well, my so called "friend" decided to make everyone vote for him because he wanted to be the number one hero that badly.

Shadow: So what happened next.

Foxie: Well My dad found out and him and my "friends" dad had a fight and my "friends" dad killed my dad and now he is the number one hero in all of the world because my dad was killed and everyone that knew my dad decided to make a plan to take revenge on him for killing my dad and I had an idea and that was to expose him to the world, so that everyone would see just how evil this guy was.

Shadow: And do you know where he is.

Foxie: Well my sources say that he is going to be in America for a while and then leave for Europe.

To be continued

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