Back to Kyoto and the final fight.

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After the successful concert in France, It was time for the heroes to go back to Japan and for there last concert for the year.

Foxie: Well last night was pretty fun.

Kenji: Yeah, tell me about it

Nathan: Well now that my mom and dad are going to be back home, I guess I should go hang out with them for a while before the concert starts.

Kenji: Yeah me too.

Foxie: Well it looks like the only thing we can do for now is say good bye for now and meet each other tonight.

Kenji: Yep.

Baltimore and Foxie head to Shadows agency and then all of the heroes go and make sure that the heroes are going to the same place.

Foxie: Baltimore what do you want to do for today.

Baltimore: Well I guess we could hang out over at the beach.

Foxie: Yeah we can do that.

Foxie and Baltimore are going to the beach but then something was off with the heroes.

Baltimore: Hey Foxie didn't you think someone was behind the attack that got Ty arrested.

Foxie: Well there could've been but who ever he or she was is possibly the one that wanted the heroes to get injured at Italy.

Baltimore: Yeah and it did feel weird that the heroes of Italy and France were actually drained like someone had drained there energy.

Foxie: Yeah and not only that but Yami was arrested too because of the crimes he pulled as a hero.

Baltimore: Which means that it can only be one person and now that I think about it Ty said something about the villain is more closer to us then we know which means that one of the heroes could be behind the attack.

Foxie: Well now that you mention it, Natalie said that Leon had went missing for about 14 days and everytime she called he would always say that he's with Shadow while Shadow is on patrol.

Baltimore: Wait a minute do you think that Leon could be the villain.

Foxie: Well I've known Leon for a while and he doesn't seem like the type of person to do something like this and if it's Shadow then Natalies going to be hurt pretty badly.

Baltimore: Yeah I hope it's not either of them because regardless Natalie is still going to be feeling hurt and bad about what would happen to them.

Foxie: ( Wait but if Natalie was the one that called then that would mean she wouldn't be the villain which means that she should be innocent but if that's not the case then that means that she was either using the recording and she didn't answer any of my questions).

Baltimore and Foxie continued to think about it tell something appeared out of the water and started to attcak them but unluckily for the ship, it was sunked to the ground because of an attack that Foxie fired in the water by accident.

???: Why you little.

Baltimore and Foxie kick at the same time and send the guy flying while also making sure that the heroes would be able to catch him and that's when it hit them.

Shadow wasn't the one in control of the robot but instead the true villain which means that real villain is still out there.

Shadow was not arrested due to the heroes finding some data that was in the robot and then Foxie took the data chips he got from Italy and France and started up his computer and found some plans that were not in the ones he got from both Italy and France but the one from the current villain fight which wasn't even an actual villain fight.

Foxie: So then that means that the last person that was out was Leon which means that Natalie is innocent.

That night Foxie left and went into his vigilante costume and noticed that Leon was about to attack Neon but failed due to Foxie's powerful kick and then Leons mask fell down revealing to the people that it was Leon Stone, the son of the former number one hero: Link ninja.

Foxie: Tell me Leon why did you attack Neon.

Leon: Well it's simple because he's the reason for why my dad was killed and now I will take my revenge on those who took so much from me.

Foxie and Leon fought and then finally Foxie kicks Leon in the face knocking him out and then all of the heroes noticed that Leon was starting to get up but then Foxie injected Leon with a needle that paralyzed the body and then the heroes and police removed the suit and threw him into a cage.

Foxie: Well that was easy but I think I know what other reason for him for being this way.

Alexa: What do you mean.

Foxie: Simple because the man you wanted to marry is already married to the Shadow ninjas daughter.

Detective Roger: Wait so you mean that the hero that was behind this wasn't a hero at all but the father of the so called "number one hero" in America.

Foxie: And the one that murdered my father and cold blood, yeah this is the same person.

To be continued

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