Foxie's confession of love

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After Leon was arrested and all of the villains were stopped for good, Foxie and Baltimore along with the K-idols went back home to Kyoto since that's where the concert would be held in.

Foxie: Well it looks like all of the villains have been sent to the hero company in America which means that they are most likely to not be arrested.

Baltimore: Well it looks like all of the heroes will be going to Japan for the night which means we can finally celebrate the victory for our performance.

Foxie: Yeah, which means that the concert will have an after party, and not to mention the star festival. Foxie and Baltimore start thinking of ideas/

Foxie: ( I wonder if I should tell her how I feel ).

Baltimore: ( I feel so warm when I am next to him and I like it a lot ).

Foxie and Baltimore go out for dinner with the K-idols.

Foxie: Well this is going to be so much fun.

Baltimore: Huh what do you mean.

Foxie: You'll see tomorrow at the festival.

Baltimore: Really why not now?

Foxie: Well I think it should be tomorrow night because that's when we have that new resturant.

Baltimore: Oh, that makes a lot of sence actually.

That night everyone went to the movie theatres and started to have some fun along with some of their friends.

Foxie and Baltimore and the K-idols get ready for the performance for tomorrow.

Kenji: Hey tomorrow is actually the day that me and Nathan along with the Dragon King propose to our girl friends.

Kenji and Nathan decide to finish up and the same for Baltimore and Foxie.

Foxie: Well do you want to go and see them propose and get married since it's all going to be on the same day.

Baltimore: Oh, yeah sure.

Foxie and Baltimore head over to Kyoto's shrine and noticed that all of the heroes are in the same area so they decided to hang out.

The next day was the day of the wedding and both Foxie and Baltimore were the best man and best woman for the couples.

Foxie: Well good luck out there Kenji.

The two get married and then it was time for the other two and then Foxie decided to play the piano for them both and then Natalie revealed that she was married to the man who would make her life the best and that was the new number one hero: Shawn A.K.A the Frost king.

After the wedding came the concert and all of the people in Japan were happy which means that it was time for the two vigilantes to talk to each other.

Foxie: So Baltimore do you think that we should retire from being vigilantes or do you want to keep on being Drill Buster and Azur Blaze.

Baltimore: Where is this coming from.

Foxie: No where but I was wondering since the villains are all arrested and the heroes are all serious about their jobs.

Baltimore: I'm just kidding but yeah I honestly just want to move on and retire from being a vigilante for good.

Foxie: Yeah I guess you have a point which is why I wanted to ask you for something.

Note: Foxie and Baltimore have already been on so many dates since they fought as vigilantes and before they went to America which meant that they were boy friend and girl friend.

Baltimore: What is it.

Foxie: Would you marry me.

Baltimore blushes: Baka yes I will.

Foxie and Baltimore kiss.

Two months after the wedding.

Baltimore: Hey honey what do you want for dinner.

Foxie: Well I guess if it's alright with you, I can cook and make something that we both like.

Foxie and Baltimore hug each other.

The end, Thank you for reading this story and thank you for making this possible I mean really I got motivated to do these stories because I wanted everyone to be happy and have something to read and well all I can say is thank you for your support and I hope you have a wonderful day and an awesome year.

The next Story will not be a sequel but a new story and it's kind of going to be a little bit like another story that I created in the past so I hope you like it and the first part will come out either tomorrow or the next day.

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