Chapter 3.

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Keith directed Rachel's car toward a particular parking space designed for government vehicles. It was late in the evening and no one important had to report to the compound. So he thought, for now, it should be okay.

The sound of a car door slamming and tiny pitter-patters on the pavement alerted him to a delicate voice that only belonged to one little girl.

"Uncle Kweef!" it announced excitedly, hurrying to the man and finding herself in his tight embrace.

He purposely ignored the light snickers and giggles from his colleagues that walked by causing him to let out a forced breath, curving his lips into a smile, and happily received the hug of his best friend's daughter.

"Izzy Bitsy!" He greeted, lifting her off the ground and gently setting her back on her feet.

"I'm not itsy bitsy no more. I'm a big girl, see?!" Isabel pulled away, puffing her chest out, standing on her tiptoes for emphasis.

"Wowwy!" He played along, "You're right, look at you! You really are bigger the last time I saw you! Like—"

He swung his right arm overhead, keeping it in place, "—like yay big?"

Isabel shook her head hastily and corrected him, "no that's too big!"

Wringing the excess water from her drenched jacket and making small puddles where she stood, Rachel grinned to herself as listened in on Keith continuing to joke with the little girl, filling her with genuine delight. Deep down, she appreciated how Keith treated Isabel, just as she was one of his own. If he's ever available, he would watch over Isabel—a job that she didn't leave to just anyone.

As much as Rachel and Keith bickered, she'd agree that he's a great father figure to his own children, including her own daughter. Despite their mutual differences, they've established a confounding trust that even their own spouses couldn't explain.

If she was truly honest with herself, she would admit that he was an amazing guy, friend, and father.

He was hardheaded and a pain in the ass but regardless, Keith was the epitome of a true friend.

Isabel released herself from Keith and scurried back to her mother's side. The little girl looked up to her mother with brown eyes filled with curiosity, searching Rachel's loving gaze, unaware that her mother did everything in her power to hide her growing fear and relentless anxiety that coursed through her.

"...Mommy? Where are we?" Isabel tiredly asks, reaching for her mother's hand in one and rubbing her eye with the other. Her little head wandered about, soaking in all the surroundings as much as she could. The bright LED lights struck her delicate vision, forcing her to blink and look away.

"And why is it so light in here?"

Keith signaled at the girls and gestured to follow him down a long hallway brighter than before, passing by several ominous doors and tinted windows. The expanse seemed to go on forever, leading to somewhere and nowhere simultaneously. The foot traffic going the opposite direction, entranced Isabel—feeding her curious nature. The little girl tried her best to keep up with both Rachel and Keith's long strides. She kept up, taking note of each person that passed by who was a guy or girl; what those beeping noises were and why were there so many windows and doors?

This place is much bigger than their house! She wondered, lightly scratching her head with a free hand.

Where could they be going? Her mother hadn't told her anything, only that they were here to surprise her daddy. And excited she was! She hadn't seen him for a while now and was getting worried about him.

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