Chapter 6.

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The commotion next to Micah as the staff began their cleaning efforts weren't enough to divert his attention from his wife and his best friend returning from the conference room after dropping Isabel off. He frowned when it was decided that he wasn't going to see his daughter for the remainder of the day, even though she was okay. That was...understandable, he pondered glumly. He just hoped it wasn't for another two months or even more.

Micah repositioned himself with the intent that he wouldn't seem overbearing and intimidating to everyone around him, especially his wife. From his vantage point, he could tell that Rachel was still very much in shock after what happened. Her blank expression and lack of conversation with Keith concerned him. He needed to exercise as much patience as he possibly can because history has shown that Rachel's mental state would easily send her into a frenzy if someone even breathed incorrectly.

Perhaps when he has a moment, he could try and offer some form of comfort to her any way he can, given that she was still perturbed. Hell, if he was being honest, he was still trying to calm himself down after what happened and wouldn't be surprised if everyone around him felt the quakes that were from his heartbeats.

Micah noticed that at least Keith had been patient with her, and he appreciated that. Something Keith told her must have finally convinced her to stay or perhaps his pleas from before made her reconsider her decision.

As the pair slowly strolled back into the compound, Keith's attention was grabbed by his senior staff member, and by the looks of it, the staff member wanted to discuss the extent of the damage. Micah followed his best friend's signal, joining in on the conversation, leaving Rachel alone with her repressed thoughts.

The abandonment stirred unrest inside her that for one reason or another would not allow her to calm down even for a second. The pounding in her chest throbbed up to her head, stirring a long-awaited headache. She watched as the staff member spoke to Micah and Keith, making various gestures toward the exposed walls. Truly seeing all the damage a second time, practically had all her blood drain out of her body in that very instance.

The large imprint Micah left on the wall, the depth of the destruction that he alone caused when he caught Isabel, reignited a terror so intense, that it made Rachel's spine rigid enough to snap.

She quickly averted her gaze away from the walls, but it immediately fell onto Micah's giant self. And then she froze. No matter what she did to calm herself, she felt that she couldn't adjust to his new condition. Everything about him was just so terrifyingly amplified that even his normal breathing patterns were probably turbulent enough to knock everyone off their feet if he blew hard enough.

With his new height, it would mean he would be much stronger, hence the DIY demolition from earlier after catching Isabel—

Rachel's heart dropped and her eyes expanded in horror.

Oh, God.


Now her thoughts were running wild. Uncontrollable trembling wracked her body as the sudden realization unveiled itself: Nothing was stopping him from returning Isabel to her once he caught her. He could have used their daughter as leverage to keep his family there if he wanted. No one could stop him from doing anything he so desire. According to Keith, he needed his family with him. What's to stop him from leaving this place and going back home? Or how about finding the strength to uproot their house and bring it here? Has no one thought of any of these possibilities and has some contingency plan should he turn against them? Is Keith not telling her the whole truth?

Rachel swallowed a large lump in her throat.

Just what else is Micah capable of doing at his new size and—

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