Chapter 8.

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Rachel's behavior toward him that day was completely uncalled for! Why the need to be afraid of him, he is her husband, and he even saved their only daughter from the fall. Who is she to condemn him for his condition and squander his own emotions, as if they meant nothing?

If only he wasn't so considerate and understanding, he'd let her have it, just as she deserves.

He's only asking to be with his family and to spend quality time with them as much as possible. It's practically driving him insane after going nearly two months without being with them! He has cried himself to sleep nearly every night because he yearned to be with them. And when he thought, he could talk to his own 'caring' wife about his struggles, even for just a second, Rachel just gives him the cold shoulder and had to audacity to take their daughter and run away from him.

As if he asked to be that big in the first place! It's so infuriating that she refuses to give him a chance and refused to act more supportive in his time of need.

How can he remain collected with how he's being poorly treated? He has limits and the longer he's treated like he's some experiment, the more he will resent everyone beneath him.

And he should resent them, especially his neglectful wife and even his so-called friend, Keith.

There's nothing stopping him from taking matters into his own hands. Who would be dumb enough to even challenge him at his height and strength?


That's why he's a so-called friend! Keith likes to hide things from him and thinks by concealing the truth that would be in his best interest. Rather than outright tell him the entire truth about his condition, Keith tells him half-truths or outright lies to his face! Why was Keith behaving that way? Could he be masking fear of his own and withholding information from him just to keep him under control? Of course, it is! He wants nothing more than to restrain him, cage him like an animal abomination, and do nothing but experiment on him until the day he dies. Some friend!

What about the other scientists? They're equally afraid of him as well. They just follow Keith like mindless sheep and help him fulfill all the experiments he's orchestrating behind the scenes, almost like a puppet master keeping all the control for himself.

How about Rachel?

Ha! Now she was laughable. Imagine the moment he displays even an ounce of retaliation, she would be the first one to run away and onto the next flight out of the state, taking the most precious thing away from him. His daughter.

What a terrific mother.

He has yet to acknowledge that he is now a god with a newfound power but in time he will come to accept it; a power that's now become part of his identity. He's been endowed with strength beyond inane human understanding; he was given the ability to heal even the deepest wounds, and what's more, it seems his abilities are only making him stronger.

He's destined for so much more.

And that's a fact.

Why he chooses to remain a faithful husband and father with this power, only God knows. It's only a matter of time until their technology won't be enough to restrain him. The truth is, he is still growing and there's only so much they can do to confine him. One thing is for certain: this maltreatment, this power play from those smaller than him will eventually warp his mind, and he will realize that he should answer only to himself.

All he must do is wait. It won't be long until then. Just imagine what he could do when they eventually push him over the edge. Even more so, just envisioning their horrified expressions, when he retaliates and has them in his grasp. It's truly a sight to behold. Keith in one hand: pounding against his hand, begging him to reconsider, arguing that all he was trying to do is help him. And Rachel, on the other, screaming her prayers to the heavens, abandoning all logic to try and fight with him, which of course, would never help her anyway. The damage she alone caused was already done.

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