Chapter 4.

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Keith led them to a stairway that mirrored the inside of a stadium, once mother and child reappeared from the restroom. Rachel stood frozen at the bottom of the stairwell when suddenly the white lights above them shook as something monumental swept by. Her mother's hesitation caught Isabel's attention, prompting her to grip her mother's pant leg, fearing she would be swept away from her mom.

The girls watched Keith ascend the steps up to the double doors. He paused, then gazed over his shoulder, "Keep up Rachel, we're almost there."

"C-coming..." Rachel muttered, taking one step at a time, and keeping Isabel closely behind her.

"Mommy...?" Isabel asked apprehensively, grabbing onto the rail.

Her mother tried to keep a straight face and a sound mind, ignoring the repetitive rolling in her stomach. "E-everything's fine, Izzy." She uttered mechanically.

"We're gonna go see Daddy!" She beamed excitedly, startling Rachel, resulting in Keith turning to her and giving her a friendly hush. "Shhh, we're surprising Daddy, remember?" He put a finger to his lips; she hushed too and mimicked him as well.

Each step seemed harder than the last for Rachel. After that display, every fiber of her being told her that this was a bad idea. Keith motioned the girls to stop and hold onto the railing when several trembles and quakes resounded around them. They approached the double doors once it cleared. Keith motioned for them to stay put and that he will call for them when ready.

His gaze met Rachel's distressed expression even if she wasn't outwardly saying anything.

"Rachel," he whispered, "just breathe. You're gonna be fine. Quit being a drama queen and show some backbone for your daughter. You're seeing your husband, not taking on King Kong."

Same difference. She scoffed, looking away and bringing Isabel closer.

"Oh, one more thing..." He raised a hand, eying Rachel before leaving, "My staff member informed me that he grew a few feet just this past week. Do not mention anything about his size, got it?"

Rachel felt a lump form in her throat after hearing that. She watched Keith's frame disappear, leaving her outside anxiously awaiting what's to come next. She decided to keep her back pressed behind the door and as close as possible.

Deciding to keep her back pressed behind the door, she was startled when she heard Keith call out into the distance.


Rachel's body tensed upon hearing his name and knew the shaking would ensue when—


Isabel stood against the wall and felt the tremors increasing by the second, not quite noticing the unraveled mess that was her mom. She looked around wondering where it was coming from. The light fixtures swayed slightly above them, and she could feel quaking beneath her tiny feet.

Stay calm, Rachel leaned back pursing her lips together, breathe as Keith said. In and out. In and out.

"'Sup bro!" she winced, hearing Keith again from behind the door, seeing his shadow completely consumed by a much larger one.

Steadying her hand as much as possible, she brought Isabel even closer, nearly crushing her against her legs. There was no way she was going to be even remotely close to Micah. It wasn't safe.

"Well look who it is, I was wondering where you had disappeared to." Micah's voice boomed from the distance, vibrating the doors next to them. She swore she was going to faint.

"Dude, you know I'm busy as hell. Had to take care of some...thing."

"And that something took you that long? It's been a few days." Micah folded his arms across his chest.

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