chapter 9

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Mew's pov

After coming back from garden I just laid on my bed feeling tired and sleepy .I covered myself with duvet and dozed off while waiting for gulf to come back .

I woke up hearing breaking voices . I jolted from my sleep to rush downstairs. I saw gulf trying to stand straight in the middle of the room . I guess he is drunk . But when the hell did he start drinking again ? I saw ohm trying to help him stand but he is pushing . He kept blabbering incoherent words .

I went to kitchen filled a glass with water . I saw him standing holding the couch . Without wasting a second I threw the water on his face .

Fluke looked shock at me . I slowly walked to gulf took his hand and helped him walk to our room.  He kept his head down only . I made him sit on the couch and went to fill the bath tub with warm water. 

Then I helped him to bathroom and arranged night ware for him . Then I silently slept on my side of bed . After few minutes I heard the bathroom door open then I felt the  bed dip .

No hugs no cuddles . He slept turning his back to me .i don't know what happened .why did he get drunk ? Where are his parents gone ?

I didn't know when I slept thinking about all this . I woke up early morning to make breakfast but found bed cold and empty .

You know life is not at all bed full of roses it has thorns too.  I freshened up and left to kitchen but saw gulf making pancakes . As soon as he saw me he smiled abit before coming to me and pecking my lips . I hugged him before making myself some coffee .

Win was still here I got to know that my in-laws left yesterday evening only . Bright looked abit pale and he is totally ignoring Win . I don't know this weird mood is so disturbing.

After eating I silently left to terrace. Within minutes I felt strong pair oh hands hugging me tightly nuzzling my  neck planting kisses.  I didn't turn around was just holding his hands .

It's started getting cloudy so without moving away from hug gulf led me to our room .while he was shutting the door I laid the bed with my back to his side . Then he laid behind me spooning from behind . His warm breathe fanning my neck .

No words were exchanged we just laid their holding each other closely .then I felt wet on my neck but I didn't turn around as I felt gulf's hands thightening . Loud sobs left his mouth. His body shaked against mine . I felt his fast heartbeat on my back . I don't know how long we stayed like that but after sometime small sniffles left and then I heard snores . I slowly turned around before pulling him onto my chest.  I covered us with duvet and dozed of .

1 week passed in a blink .win left the next day we didn't even no that we found when we checked his room no belongings were not  their . Though everything was back to normal between me and gulf I could still feel the difference .I tired asking him what happened but either he tried diverting my attention or changed topic so I didn't make it an issue . Am still giving him time to explain. Now I understand the saying

" You're near

                                 Yet  so

                                                              far "

It feels hurt to be honest when you know your partner is hurt and sad but you still couldn't do anything. I felt helpless . I don't know what to do . I didn't talk to others properly . I met bright yesterday he looked kinda weak . He lost few pounds I guess I wanna talk to him ask him what's wrong but am already facing problems which I don't know how to solve then how am I gonna help him ?

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