chapter 10

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Gulf's pov

Week passed in a blink . It was a horrible phase in my life.  Mew used to not even talk . All he do was cry and blame himself. I had to make him forcefully eat . Either he cries or stares at blank . But he is a little bit better from last 3 days .It hurts me alot . I still remember everything  happened that night .

Mew told me he was feeling sick past few days . It was the time where our relationship advanced to physical level . I booked an appointment at hospital even i had to go with him that day but we received a call from my dad that we have an emergency.

I thought I will ask him what happened when we meet at club where ohm and fluke invited us .
But the thing he told me blowed my mind . He told he was pregnant. Can you believe me pregnant with our baby . I was shocked .I couldn't believe it .he showed me scans and told me that the doctor told he was special.

I was so happy who wouldn't be right ? When your love of the life gives your fruit of love . It was one  the best day of my life.

I was so immersed into it an kept on drinking continuously. By the time we were done I was almost sleeping but I stayed awake blabbering to mew how happy I was but suddenly something large hit our car . The air bags opened but our car made flips and it crashed .

I just looked at mew tearfully we were bleeding heavily and then everything turned blank .

When I opened my eyes I felt my whole body numb . I saw bri and fluke crying badly .ohm and max were looking sad but I jolted when I didn't find mew . Where is he ? How Is he ? How is my baby ? Only those questions were running in my mind .

I kept on asking them to take me to him . They helped me sit on a wheel chair and took me to ICU. And their I saw the love my life lying on the bed lifeless. So many wires and tubes were attached to his body . His right leg and hand were with cast.Their was big wound on right side of his head . His face was so pale lips were chapped.

I slowly moved towards his bed and stroked his cheeks . I couldn't stop the tears flowing through my eyes. Nurse ushered me out as the visiting time is less for ICU.

They helped me to sit on the bed. That's when the doctor entered  and asked everyone to leave to talk privately to me .

Gulf:- doctor how's my fiance and baby ?
The doctor sighed loudly .

Doctor:- am sorry Mr.gulf your fiance had a miscarriage because of the large impact from accident.

My heart stopped beating for a second. I couldn't breathe I felt my chest heavy . My vision blurred but I controlled myself . Mew's health is more important than anything.

Gulf:- what ahout mew doctor why isn't he waking up ?

Doctor:- we still can't say anything Mr.gulf his breathing is still unstable.
We can't tell anything about him now . He is still under observation .sorry for your loss .

I couldn't utter words I just nodded at him with tearful eyes .what the hell is this ? Werent we so happy few hours back ? Now everything turned upside down .we lost our unborn child. My love is on the hospital bed fighting for Life .

It's been 18 days I woke up but mew still didn't . I was like body without soul . I used eat forcefully or sleep when they inject sedatives.every day I wait hopefully for mew to wake up but he didn't. Doctor told that mew is stable and he started recovering but he isn't waking up . Even his body is responding to the medicines .

I was sitting beside mew's bed he was shifted to my room last week . I just cleaned his body with sponge .

I was holding back from last few days .I can't live without mew . I don't know if I could even breath without him beside me . I kept on crying holding him that's when I found his fingers moving . His eyes shot open within few seconds. I immediately called doctors. They checked his vitals and removed rest of the supporting wires .
After the doctor left he looked at me tearfully. He didn't even speak word but he looked at me hopefully. I shaked my head telling him that our baby could not make it .

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